Hopes for E3?

timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
Only a few months away. What's everyone excited for/hoping to see?


  • Poetic_
    Poetic_ Posts: 269 Member
    Lots of Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 stuff if they aren't out by then.

    I'm assuming this would be the year for Microsoft to announce their new console, interested to hear about that even if I'm sort of drifting away from console gaming.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Kinect updates/features.
    Expanded Vita titles.
    WiiU hard release date.
    More detailed info on new Sony cross-platform distribution.
    Hard release date for Journey.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    I thought Blizzard stayed away from E3? Though I'd hate to wait until Blizzcon to get anymore updates on Diablo 3...
  • KingRoaVa
    KingRoaVa Posts: 38 Member
    There are rumors on the internet that April 17, 2012 is the launch day. We will see.

    In regards to E3.... I really hope Valve announce something about the rumored "Steam Box". I just want to see some new hardware.
  • timaeus_drache
    timaeus_drache Posts: 104 Member
    That would be awesome. I won't pick it up until the summer anyway, so maybe that would be enough time to watch for a sale. 10 bucks is 10 bucks!
  • marvelscale
    marvelscale Posts: 135
    Where's my Episode 3? ;(
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Lots of Guild Wars 2 and Diablo 3 stuff if they aren't out by then.

    I'm assuming this would be the year for Microsoft to announce their new console, interested to hear about that even if I'm sort of drifting away from console gaming.

    I'm going to cry if GW2 isn't out by then. Waiting two years now for that game and a lot of people have been waiting a lot longer.

    I'm interested in more info on Ryse for Kinect. Would love to hear them announce a Kinect online fighting game, but not holding my breath.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    Want to see more Bioshock: Infinite stuff.
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    ff7 remake for ps3 TROLOLOLOLLL imagine.
    But really, I have no idea, a new fable game maybe !
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member

    Hard release date for Journey.

    Nevermind! Journeys out! :D:D I care a lot less for E3 now- well except for the WiiU date.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Three words:

  • mixedfeelings
    mixedfeelings Posts: 904 Member
    I never get my hopes up.

    Instead I let a friend digest the information and pass only good news back to me.
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member
    Last year I watched lots of live coverage, it was only good for 1 reason and that was the unveiling of Rayman Origins which turned out to be one of the best platform games ever and took Mario Galaxy (both of them) to the cleaners IMHO
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    HALO 4!!!!!!

    maybe some more info on the next xbox or whatever it's going to be called.