Good Nutrition 30-day Challenge

This is the thread for the Good Nutrition 30-day challenges. Come here for ideas on how to complete the challenge, talk to others doing the same challenge, and to record your progress.

March 12th - April 10th: TBA

April 16th - May 15th: TBA


  • khagador
    khagador Posts: 175 Member
    Love it! Can we all make sure that our diaries are open to the public? That way, we can look at them and make helpful suggestions if need be or to get ideas of meals.
  • Elkcan
    Elkcan Posts: 19
    That's a great idea! Without accountability there are so many ways to "cheat", we should be able to look out for one another. If someone is comfortable making their diary public, they can always add a few friends from the challenge and make their diary viewable to friends only.
  • cute_leper
    cute_leper Posts: 7 Member
    Ok-goal time! I'm going to aim for a month of staying under calorie goal and limiting sugar intake to only one sweet a week
  • adalychee
    adalychee Posts: 28 Member
    I have a quick question for you all on nutrition. Do any of you find that you're ravenously hungry for the week before your period? My stomach has been rumbling and complaining non-stop for the last three days (no specific cravings or anything, just food), and it's making eating healthy hard. :(
  • ontherooftop
    ontherooftop Posts: 3 Member
    I usually try to eat smaller meals and more snacks throughout the day. For me it helps to keep myself from becoming starving hungry and making really unhealthy food choices. I try to eat almonds, yogurt and fruit, but if there is something specific that I am craving I will go ahead and eat moderation.
  • cute_leper
    cute_leper Posts: 7 Member
    oh god, it's the absolute worst! i feel like three weeks of the month, I am a rational and sane eater....that other week is awful. I'll have to try snacking more. I heard that getting extra iron helps too.
  • adalychee
    adalychee Posts: 28 Member
    I might try that.

    Weight does weird things too - last Friday, I weighed 157 lbs; on Monday, I weighed 162 lbs; and today, I weighed 157 lbs again. Very strange.