Any SWTOR players?

thekarens Posts: 254 Member
New to MMO's, but so far I love it!


  • TK266
    TK266 Posts: 3,638 Member
    played the SWTOR 1 and 2, but not the MMO. I am too old and impatient (ok just impatient) to play MMOs. other players just make me cranky.
  • jedibunny
    jedibunny Posts: 321
    lol TK... KotOR rocked. Revan is also in SWTOR. :)

    I'm on Corellian Run. My primary toon is Empire side, but I have characters on both. My main is a Sorcerer healer named Nicca (lv50). Have a few Empire alts: Sandsnake (Powertech), Niqa (Assassin), Bibbles (Sniper). Republic side I have Mar'mite (Sentinel), Marmalade (Sniper not specced yet). None of the alts are too high a level as yet.

    If you're on CR, say hi!
  • thekarens
    thekarens Posts: 254 Member
    I'm old too....which is why I belong to a guild called, "The OLDER Republic." It's for 40+ only :)

    I'm a level 20 Smuggler Scoundrel...not very good, but I'm learning.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 664 Member
    I have a lvl 50 sorc but my account is going to be closed for a while in a few days
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I got a lvl 17 Scoundrel Republic side. I don't play that often. MMO's was a major factor I got as big as I did. I used to play 7-8 hrs, everyday. FFXI was my drug of choice back then. I quit finally in Fall 2009 and haven't touched any unitl SWTOR came out. I been careful not to get addicted again. I average 2-4 hrs a week. I haven't logged on recently in over a month now. I enjoy it alot and grouping is fun but it's also time consuming as is participating and being a part of a guild. I'm taking it slow.
  • MetalPirate
    MetalPirate Posts: 6 Member
    I do. Got a level 50 DPS Sorc and a 20something Powertech on Jung Ma. Haven't been playing much though due to work and being busy. Plus way too excited for Planetside 2 and Mechwarrior Online
  • ScottyNoHotty
    ScottyNoHotty Posts: 1,957 Member
    I can't keep up...I'm still trying to finish KOTOR...
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    If I played this game... I'd be done for lol. I've been playing FFXI for about 8 years or so and just finally in January decided I was on the road to "retirement" lol. I left the server with 1 friend, and went to a more quiet server where I mostly fish and do nothing, and I'm HAPPY! lol

    I wish I could play this though... it looks fun, but I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to put it down lol
  • loving this game! funnily enough, my server is The Fatman. >.>
    i have a lvl 50 BH, and a bunch of alts ofc. :D
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    Level 27 or so Sith Sorceror here. Unsure if I'll sign up though when my 60 days runs out as I'm not not big on all the questing and travelling.
  • _HeathBar_
    _HeathBar_ Posts: 902 Member
    I have a level 50 Sage on Wound in the Force. I'm liking the game but I just wish it had more PvP content since that's what I enjoy most.
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    I'm a level 50 BH (healer).
  • jaysonhijinx
    jaysonhijinx Posts: 663 Member
    I have a level 50 Sage on Wound in the Force. I'm liking the game but I just wish it had more PvP content since that's what I enjoy most.
