November due dates

Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
Ok so I have been looking and waiting and this thread still has not started..... Anyone else???
I am Amanda. I am a mom of two boys, ages 3 and 2. Due Nov 1st. (* I'm a little panicky bc my first son's bday is Nov 6. and I tend to go over.) This will (hopefully) be the first pregnancy that I have really dedicated myself to maintain my level of fitness. I try to get in three to four 40min to 1.5 hour workouts a week. My choice exercises being running and Bootcamp.


  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hi Amanda! I'm Katie, due 11/2 with my 3d baby as well. I also have 2 sons - my oldest turned 2yo in January and my baby is 6mo today. :smile: I am going to try and continue my workouts through this pregnancy, which I didn't do with my last two. I lost 25lbs before becoming pregnant and don't want that to go to waste! I have set my calories to maintanence and will add in extra calories during the 2nd and 3rd trimester. I try and get to the gym 3 times a week before work and I like to walk on incline, jog and use the elliptical. During the weekends I try and get one good workout in on my treadmill at home. I will end up with a late October baby since this will be my 3rd c-section, but still want to hang out here. :laugh:
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Hi! I'm Julia, pregnant with my second, due Nov 16th! :D
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Hi! I'm Julia, pregnant with my second, due Nov 16th! :D

    Welcome and congrats Julia! Based on what I've seen there are a few other November due dates floating around so we should have a nice little group to share this wounder journey with. :smile:
  • Yaaay for November babies!! Im pregnant with my second :) Im due Nov 19th!!:heart:
  • bluegirl10
    bluegirl10 Posts: 695 Member
    My EDD is November 17th!... This is our first child!
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Congrats ladies!! How is everyone feeling??

    I'm still feeling rather good and I'm 6.5wks now. I am a bit more tired and am yawning like crazy, but nothing more than that right now. :smile:
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello. My name is Kiley and I just confirmed that I was pregnant, although I kind of knew for a couple weeks. My due date should be November 19th, but I just so happened to have an appointment for my yearly check-up on Friday, so I will know for sure then This will be our first, and I am only 4 weeks, but I havne't really had any symptoms except I can feel something going on down there and had cramping around implantation time. I'm hoping it stays that way, but it's too early to tell. I am also a bit more tired, but not too bad.
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    Yay November babies! :happy: I'm feeling great still, my boobs feel like they're falling off :laugh: but otherwise I feel great! With my son, I was terribly sick from weeks 6 through 26, and was joined at the hip with my zofran prescription, so I'm hoping I've got at least a few more days before the :sick: kicks in ;) Who knows, maybe this time will be different? I'm not even tired yet (no more than normal), so I'm trying to take advantage of feeling so well! Congrats to us all! :flowerforyou:
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    Yay November babies! :happy: I'm feeling great still, my boobs feel like they're falling off :laugh: but otherwise I feel great! With my son, I was terribly sick from weeks 6 through 26, and was joined at the hip with my zofran prescription, so I'm hoping I've got at least a few more days before the :sick: kicks in ;) Who knows, maybe this time will be different? I'm not even tired yet (no more than normal), so I'm trying to take advantage of feeling so well! Congrats to us all! :flowerforyou:

    Hopefully the sickness will bypass you this time. I was throwing up sick from 7wks until 14wks with my first, but with my second I never got sick at all!! Goes to show you every pregnancy is different. :smile:
  • Amanda421
    Amanda421 Posts: 261 Member
    yeah glad to see some more with nov due dates. i will be 7 weeks tomorrow. the fatigue and nausea have set in full force for me
    :( but i knew to expect it so it is not that big of deal. i am trying my best to stick with my pre- pregnancy fitness routines and so far have been pretty successful. good luck to everyone else in these early weeks. look foward to hearing from you.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    yeah glad to see some more with nov due dates. i will be 7 weeks tomorrow. the fatigue and nausea have set in full force for me
    :( but i knew to expect it so it is not that big of deal. i am trying my best to stick with my pre- pregnancy fitness routines and so far have been pretty successful. good luck to everyone else in these early weeks. look foward to hearing from you.

    Glad you're able to deal with it. I haven't really had any symptoms, but I bet they're coming...just hoping not. But I'm grateful I know now, so I can try to be very productive these next couple weeks incase I do feel bad later.
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I'm 6wks5d and morning sickness just started this morning. I woke up to get ready for the gym and throw-up. :frown: Decided to eat some dry cereal and have a fresca and skip the gym this morning and sleep a bit longer. I am also craving different foods and most of them aren't healthy so I'm just trying to watch my portions since I seem to always be hungry.
  • Kirsty7Fraser
    Kirsty7Fraser Posts: 55 Member
    Hi all, I'm Kirsty from north east Scotland and I found out I was pregnant on Monday. I've worked out my due date is 19th November but I still have to have my booking in appointment with a midwife so it may change. I have a daughter who is 3 and a half and we did think she was going to be an only so are very excited about number 2.

    I'm in the early days of my 'get fit' regime and am still overweight but am determined to stay focused.

    Congratulations everyone and here's to a very happy and healthy 9 months.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hello ladies. I just went to the doctor, which was supposed to be for my annual check-up. They just had me confirm the pregnancy, and schedule my next appointment which is in 6 weeks!! It seems like forever to know how everything is going, but I'm sure it will pass quickly. I am still not having any symptoms, and am very appreciative of that, so I'm trying to stay caught up and/or ahead with school and work. I've started a healthy eating plan and still exercising. Good job to all you lovely ladies!
  • lellagella
    lellagella Posts: 41 Member
    I am pregnant with my fourth and am expecting in the beginning of November. This will be the first pregnancy I am concious of what I eat and I will not be "eating ofr two" or absorbing myslef in chocolote.

    How many calories are you consuming per day?
  • busyPK
    busyPK Posts: 3,788 Member
    I am pregnant with my fourth and am expecting in the beginning of November. This will be the first pregnancy I am concious of what I eat and I will not be "eating ofr two" or absorbing myslef in chocolote.

    How many calories are you consuming per day?

    I set my food diary to maintance for the 1st trimester then will add in more calories during the 2nd and 3rd. I am having some food adversions and cravings so I am eating more than I would like right now, but I'm just focusing on feeling better.
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    I am pregnant with my fourth and am expecting in the beginning of November. This will be the first pregnancy I am concious of what I eat and I will not be "eating ofr two" or absorbing myslef in chocolote.

    How many calories are you consuming per day?

    I am also set on maintenance for the 1st trimester, but if I eat healthy, drink lots of water, and am still hungry, then I will eat a little more because I don't want to deprive me or baby. I have a little under some days too if I wasn't super hungry, but usually trying to eat at least at maintenance. Welcome!
  • Hi ladies! I just found our I'm pregnant with our 3rd with an EDD of 11/18. I don't see the doctor until 8 weeks. Although I've had it
    Confirmed through the doctors office earlier this week. I've had serious fatigue with this pregnancy, something I didn't experience
    With the first 2. Tender breasts, frequent urination, and waves of nausea that seems to come all day! Lol I'm having trouble eating enough calories to make my maintenance goal. I'm snacking frequently to try and help.. :)
  • chickybuns
    chickybuns Posts: 1,037 Member
    Hi ladies! I just found our I'm pregnant with our 3rd with an EDD of 11/18. I don't see the doctor until 8 weeks. Although I've had it
    Confirmed through the doctors office earlier this week. I've had serious fatigue with this pregnancy, something I didn't experience
    With the first 2. Tender breasts, frequent urination, and waves of nausea that seems to come all day! Lol I'm having trouble eating enough calories to make my maintenance goal. I'm snacking frequently to try and help.. :)

    Weclome! We are really close, maybe the same on due dates!I luckily have not had any symptoms, but it also makes me kind of worry...I guess that comes with the 1st timer!
  • JulaMonster
    JulaMonster Posts: 51 Member
    AND here comes the exhaustion and nausea :ohwell: By about 2pm, I feel like I'm running in sssllllooowwww mooootttiiooonn.... :yawn: Thankfully, the nausea and puking have so far been just in the mornings, which I suppose I could deal with :wink: