Come on in!!!

starchile Posts: 248 Member
Hello to all of those who stop by!

As I posted in the group description...I felt a need for a group like this to support those of us who are larger (I'm 5'10 and 335lbs) but still ACTIVE!! I DESPISE the stereotype that a person my size should not or CAN NOT exercise and do all the things that our thinner counterparts can. A lot of the times it's not that we CAN'T or don't WANT's just that this society is not really made for us to fit into it.

At any rate, I play tennis, swim, bellydance, cardio kickbox and I'm just now getting into jogging.

An example of how I see this group supporting it's members is I would LOVE to kayak...but I know that many places have either weight limits or don't have boats to accomodate larger bodies. I actually FOUND a boating place in Oakland, CA called California Canoe and Kayak, that has kayaks that fit larger bodies. The guide was VERY friendly and non-judgemental and the customer service there was excellent!

If we share info like this, or info on best clothes, shoes, athletic support gear, businesses...MORE of us will feel comfortable getting out and being active!!! JOIN ME!


  • ALHicks
    ALHicks Posts: 145
    I was excited when I saw this group because I honestly went to 4 different gyms until I found one where I didn't feel like I was the odd ball out.
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Hi all, still not as active as I should be, but definitely surprised by how much I can now do despite being *scary dramatic voice* morbidly obese. And I hate the stereotypes that go along with that, too.

    I actually googled fat people in motion hoping to find tips, encouragement, etc, and all I got was youtube videos of fat people falling down. Way to NOT encourage exercise. I was clumsy when I was skinny, too, thanks very much. :laugh:
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    Hello to you both...and to all of the other folks that joined the group but are lurking about!! =)

    @ALHicks: That's crazy, right??? We shouldn't HAVE to feel that way! This is why we need to communicate with each other and share information on the best places to go. Obviously everyone won't be in the same area, but you never know!

    @MaraDiaz: I am SOOOOOOO feeling you about the DUH DUH DUUUUUHHHHH "MORBIDLY OBESE" thing! LOL. Doesn't it make us sound like we are SO FAT that any second we could just keel over and die??? Jeez!!! And yeah, NOTICE that we don't have a picture at the top of this page for our group. I googled "fat and active" then I googled "large fit" people and all kinds of other combinations and all I got was HATEFUL, SELF LOATHING, DISCRIMINATORY and VILE images!! If there was ANY DOUBT in my mind that society HATES fat people, I pretty much got the message now!!! The best image I found is the one on the thumbnail but I don't even think I can legally use it. lol

    Anyway, welcome to the group!!

    What type of physical activities do you all do? Is there any information you all would find helpful for me or others to post??
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    I really like Kinect Adventures with weights and dance thrown in. I look utterly ridiculous doing it, I'm sure, but my heart rate goes up over 150 and stays that way for however long I'm doing it, so it burns some serious calories.

    I walk sometimes, too. Got a gym membership, but it's gathering dust until the weather is so hot here that I need industrial strength AC just to stand upright, much less work out.

    I guess I won't be taking up professional sports at my age and weight, but even with a back that sometimes decides to go out on me (not lately, thankfully!) I can do just about anything a skinnier person can do. Although maybe the skinnies do it a bit faster. :laugh:
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
  • Cobehale
    Cobehale Posts: 54 Member
    Hi all! I finally put aside my fear/insecurities/nervousness about the gym and joined one. I still feel like everyone is looking at me and judging me, but am slowly convincing myself that I just don't care! My treadmill interval workout is awesome! I have started doing arm and upper body weights - my right knee is shot so I am avoiding leg weights and most of the other cardio machines until my thigh is thin enough for a brace to fit properly! On Monday I even jumped on the rowing machine!

    I had actually worked up the nerve to participate in a Zumba class, but one of my daughters ruined it for me by telling me how silly I looked and now I am too self concious to go back! She didn't intend to hurt my feelings, she just thought it was funny...out of the mouths of babes!

    I have Wii Zumba and do that - but only sometimes.

    I like how I feel after I exercise - proud, powerful, exhilarated - but still struggle to just get there and do it!
  • starchile
    starchile Posts: 248 Member
    AWESOME!!! AWESOME!!! AWESOME!!! YOU are awesome!!! That is wonderful news and congratulations!! Good job at facing your fears and getting out there! Hey, you know what helps me ignore all the stares I may get? My mp3 player! I find that it really helps to make a playlist of the most motivating, POWERFUL and happy songs that I know...I mean stuff that REALLY makes me feel good and then put on my headphones and go into my own world when I'm at the gym. It's like a protective bubble!! HAHHAA!! And you know what??? KNOW MATTER WHO YOU ARE OR WHAT YOU DO, you will always look SILLY to your kids!!!!! LOL...(I mean unless you wear a "meat dress" (???) a la Lady Gaga!!! HAHAHHA)

    And last thing...have you tried the Eliptical machine??? I have bad knees as well and that doesn't bother me at a matter of fact I really feel like it's strengthening my quads, which in turn supports my knees.

    GOOD FOR YOU!!!! Please keep us posted on your progress!!!!
  • AmoureInfinity
    AmoureInfinity Posts: 26 Member
    Hello I'm Amoure. I rushed to put in the Group search "plus size" and when I found this group i jumped at the chance to join (almost literally lol). I'm always excited when I find people of size who are active and love to keep fit because it shows others out there who doubt us, think we're just "fat and lazy", that we can be active and many of us are. Sometimes I don't know when to quit moving and even on my off days of working out I like to keep moving (the bf thinks i need to rest that day lol).

    Anyways, thanks for starting this group and I'm excited to positively interact with each of you. Blessings.
  • JensQi
    JensQi Posts: 169 Member
    Hi~I am plus size person and Active and ready Keep fit and stay active even for my Size..:flowerforyou: wonderfull group! Later
  • Michellemtjpjt
    Hey everyone my name is Michelle I am at 301 and I started at 312 I am 5 8 and want to loose 50 more pounds before the summer end. If that is possible :) I am from Brooklyn, Nyc. am active but my craving is carbs lol not chocolate candy or friend foods but carbs. I need motivation everyone help me :)
  • Dwjenready2lose
    Dwjenready2lose Posts: 21 Member
    Hi My name is Jenne I am a Plus size active person or I try to be when I can, I am 42 going 0n 43 soon determined to lose weight so i can get off the extra pounds of my frame! Looking for MFP friends who are active and in + size range like Me.