Need cat advice

CatoftheCanals_ Posts: 41
edited November 2024 in Social Groups
My cat is about to have to find a new home.

Since he was little (and he is almost 4) he has a horrible habit of urinating on things. He was neutered as a kitten and does not have a urinary tract infection. I have tried the collars, the hormone sprays, everything. He also had a bad habit of scratching on the door to get out at 4am -- he is an indoor cat and has the entire spare bedroom to himself full of toys and climbing things and a bed, but I thought he might be lonely and want a companion.

So we got a kitten. They hated each other initially but now they play really well. But Rajah (the 4 year old) is still urinating on things - most recently as in, tonight, their bed. I am at my wits end. My husband has hated the cat from day 1 so he wants him to go. I don't want to rehome him unless I have to but I really feel I have done everything possible. If anyone has any advice, it would be appreciated.

For the record, I have 2 litter boxes in their room that get cleaned daily.


  • forest0spirit555
    forest0spirit555 Posts: 164 Member
    hmm Ive heard of this. I know very little about it but my friend who told me about the same problem said that their cat never grew out of this. Im sorry I dont have good news...maybe try calling a professional to inquire?
  • catcrazy
    catcrazy Posts: 1,740 Member
    Have you tried different litters? If so what sort, wood, fibre (like balled up tumble drier fluff) clay, paper?

    Is your cat declawed...lots of declawed cats have a peeing problem as the litter hurts (in which case i'd recommend the fibre litter)

    It also sounds like he doesnt like being locked in a room all way he can have freedom of the house/flat? Cats are night wanderers kind of going against his natural instinct to be cooped up at night. Also think about climbing trees and lots of toys, boredom is responsible for many cat problems.
  • I have tried the newspaper, but might look into the clay or fiber kind since he is declawed. Where I live I had to have him declawed and regret it. I think that is part of his attitude problem...

    And initially he was let out in the house all night... and we would wake up to urine all over every morning. He has a huge climbing tree and 2 big windows and more toys than he ever plays with, lol.

    He has been urinating on the bed, so today I got one of those vinyl fitted sheets and put that on with a regular fabric fitted sheet over it so it will be easier to change than the comforter and all the sheets like I have been having to do.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    I'm fighting the same problem with my de clawed cat. I did not declaw him , my friend did then was getting rid of him. He loves peeing on blankets pillows ect. We have 2 cats and 3 littler boxes. He seems to like the very fine scoop able litter the most but if given the chance will go on billows blankets piles of clothes ect. Now I keep him out of all the bedrooms and keep every thing off the floor. As well as putting him down stairs with the litter boxes when were not home. Were hoping this will help.
  • Thats what we do with ours.. They live in the spare bedroom which has a bed, their boxes, food, water, toys galore... we just took the comforter and pillows out so hopefully with nothing "fun" to pee on he will go in his box...
  • missdaisy79
    missdaisy79 Posts: 566 Member
    You could try changing the litter every other day, instead of every day. If he doesn't know what his litter box is supposed to smell like (ie used!) he might not realise that's what it's there for? Just a thought.
  • hypersensitiveb
    hypersensitiveb Posts: 342 Member
    Put in a call to the my cat from hell show on animal planet?
  • Etiqueta
    Etiqueta Posts: 42 Member
    My cat sprayed on everything. Chairs, boxes, blankets, bookbags, etc. He's prone to UTIs, but he was mainly doing it as a territorial behavior. He was going to be euthanized because my mom couldn't deal with it anymore and nobody wants a cat that urinates on everything.

    I moved out 3 months ago into an apartment with no other cats and he hasn't sprayed once. I think the main thing that has helped was that the apartment didn't smell like urine. How are you cleaning it up? I usually used vinegar and then used what I believe is called No Spray (from Petco) afterwards. I've heard that Listerine is great to get rid of the smell, too. If it smells like urine he's likely to continue to mark it. I would deep clean everything if possible to remove any traces of urine.

    Out of 4 declawed cats that my parents have had, 3 of them have sprayed, while none of the clawed cats have had any issues besides one that felt the need to act like Sunny. It sucks having a cat that sprays, but there is hope that you can curb the behavior.
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