Kale Chips--You have to give these a try

Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
I love kale chips. I have taken samples to the gym on several occasions and everybody who has tasted them has become hooked. Here is my recipe:

Tear kale into small pieces, eliminating the large veins. Mix in a bowl with olive oil, a little vinegar (I use pinot noir vinegar), and Trader Joe's Everyday Seasoning. Spread on a cookie sheet and bake at 325 for 8 minutes. Turn chips and bake another 4-6 or until crisp. If you use a little too much oil or vinegar, just let them sit until they dry out. They are yummy, yummy and save me everytime I want a snack. The perfect antidote for carbs. They are definitely the best thing that ever happened to me on a diet.

Oh, I always buy my kale prepackaged, clean and dry. It just make it so much easier than washing and then drying the kale that comed in bunches. The convenience is well worth the extra money.


  • scsgaras
    scsgaras Posts: 12 Member
    I can't wait to try these! It'll be my first experience with/eating Kale. Supposed to be good for you, I understand. How do you track them? Doesn't the oil cause it to be too caloric?
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Finally got to trader joes and I am making these today. Let you know how they turn out.

    Saw a tee shirt that said, KALE IS THE NEW BEEF. Thought of you:flowerforyou:
  • Punkicoleman
    Punkicoleman Posts: 78 Member
    Don't give up if they aren't perfect the first time. It took me several tries to get them just exactly the way I like them.

    I don't worry about olive oil. It's good for you. :smile:
  • steppingstones
    steppingstones Posts: 569 Member
    Punki: Finally had a success. Made them with EVOO and balsamic vinegar and my own spice mix, It was a question of watching the oven and the size I cut the kale.

    Had made them before using Tyler Florence's recipe.

    Anyway LOVED them.

    Thanks for recipe.

    Hope you are having a blast on your trip. I see no signs of jet lag. Hope your hubby has a great #70 on the slopes.