Tell Us About Your Targets :)



  • sarahlynn78
    sarahlynn78 Posts: 132 Member
    Start Weight (3/12): 199.4
    12 Week Challenge Goal: 179

    Reason for Wanting to Lose By Summer: I am going on vacation in June and want to be happy with how I look in the pictures. I'm also really excited about getting under 191 lbs, which will mean I'm no longer obese!

    I'm really excited about the challenge!
  • Shannonbayer
    Shannonbayer Posts: 78 Member
    I have thyroid problems and over the years I've gained 20 pounds in a week... multiple times. The latest of which was early December. I've lost five of it but my 12 week goal is to lose 20 pounds so I can wear last years clothes. My thyroid levels were just declared "normal" and I'm working hard to see a difference.

    Start weight -235 pounds
    12 week goal - 215 pounds
  • amandathegreat320
    amandathegreat320 Posts: 25 Member
    Hi all!

    I am a little behind but better late than never! My current weight (as of March 12) is 196.6 lb. My goal is 21 lb or 175. My reason for this goal is to make me have a reason to lose! I have tried to lose weight for like 7 years but now I will actually feel bad if I have to type that I didn't do it :)
  • j6l3a1m3
    j6l3a1m3 Posts: 30 Member
    SW: 162.9
    GW: 150

    My reason is so that I can return to my pre-pregnancy weight. Then I can work on my ultimate goal of weighing 135-140 pounds:)
  • nattou
    nattou Posts: 14
    Start Weight: 160lbs
    Goal Weight: Uh, I guess around 130lbs?

    Twelve weeks from now is like, what? Probably around June.

    Considering I have a dress I need to squeeze into around my birthday, I seriously need to step it up and stop being the lazy couch potato college student. Plus, if I lost 30 pounds in twelve weeks, that'll push me harder to lose the next 30 pounds in the next twelve weeks after that... and I'm pretty sure I'll surprise my college friends with a skinny version of me starting the next school year.

    Then I can start working on my super cute college wardrobe *rubs hands together* heehee~
  • EricDe90x
    EricDe90x Posts: 51
    Current weight: 106.4lbs
    12 week target: 115lbs
    By the end of summer: 120lbs

    I'm doing P90x and trying to gain muscle mass. I'll probably burn off the excess fat I gain after I gain the muscle.
  • lilphiler05
    Current Weight: 249
    Ultimate Ideal Weight: 175
    12 Week Goal Weight: 225

    I'm 5'11" and built on a large frame, so I carry my weight better than most- a blessing and a curse. I've lost from 285 (36 pounds) in the last year, but I really want to kick my weight-loss into higher gear. I joined MyFitnessPal in the end of January when I realized how awesome it was. My calorie goal is 1,400/day with a workout goal of 60 minutes 5 days a week.
    Bring on the pound shedding :)
  • MayLan
    MayLan Posts: 1,523 Member
    Hi all,

    I'm a mom to a 3 year old and my 12 week goal is to lose 30 pounds and be back to my wedding day weight. I gained alot of weight with my pregnancy- 60 lbs, so I'm looking forward to lose it all.

    Starting weight: 167 lbs
    goal weight: 140 lbs.

    So I'm looking to lose about 10 pounds per month.
  • kristinakingsley
    Start wt 269
    Goal 245 (24lbs lost)

    I want to average at least 2 lbs per week with changing my diet and working out. Long term goal is to get down to 200lbs so I can play more with my kids and feel better and hopefully get of some medications that I have to take right now. I am on the right track I lost 5lbs last week and a total of 10lbs in the last month. Keep up the good work everyone!!!
  • edie378
    edie378 Posts: 8 Member
    Start Weight: 150lbs

    Target Weight: 120 - 125 lbs

    I just want to be able to wear a bikini for the first time in my life!
  • terry043
    terry043 Posts: 7
    Start Weight: 205lbs
    Goal Weight: 180lbs (25lbs down)

    I have a wedding this summer where I may run into people I knew in high school (over 40 years ago). Vanity pure and simple.
  • Carlyannabelle
    Carlyannabelle Posts: 621 Member
    Start weight (mar 12): 191
    12 week goal: 170

    I just want to be able to look nice in shorts again. And when I take my kids to the pool I would like to be able to participate rather than just hanging out on the sidelines. It is all about bringing up my confidence and self esteem once again and of course I would like to wear that tankini again with pride!!!
  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    Start weight (4/13): 169
    12 week goal : 149

    I want to get back my body back from before I had my daughter a year ago, I have Hypothyroidism bad, and its been hard, in fact I had to cut out grains, breads, meat and dairy to even see a slight loss! So I eat fruit , veggies, nuts and seeds and try to eat as raw as I can!
    I want to lose 20 lb. ( I may be pushing it , but I dont care) I am going to literally work my butt off! Bring it!
    Any other plant eaters can add me if they want like-minded friends!