The WoW Thread



  • PerfectlyOdd
    I have D3 beta access and I'm convinced that Diablo is more of a religion than anything else and i've never attended church at the first two games. Or just not my style of game. And i have friends that would string me up by my toes to hear that. ...I did however sign up for the annual pass to get the game for "free"

    WoW my 2nd mmo ever. So all my "gamer" <<LOL exp is from wow so it's like my measuring stick. I just like it I guess. I have however had the chance to try out TERA for the past few weekends and it seems promising and fun. SWTOR was a dud for me. except for my dual lightsaber awesomeness.


    Horde for life

    And Blood Elf female everything. Maybe once I look like one irl I'll branch out to other races. :P
  • AmyM713
    AmyM713 Posts: 594 Member
    I have to say my first character is and will always be my fave Night elf/ hunter(yes a huntard) and I have tried all specs and like them all beast master was my fave for the longest time though, I miss playing and occasionally start up my account but I just don't have the time and get bored with it easily.
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I have to say my first character is and will always be my fave Night elf/ hunter(yes a huntard) and I have tried all specs and like them all beast master was my fave for the longest time though, I miss playing and occasionally start up my account but I just don't have the time and get bored with it easily.

    Hunters are fun. I made a BM human hunter to financially support my mage.
  • Merc71
    Merc71 Posts: 412 Member
    But I think my favorite instance of all time was Kara.

    All of the Tier 4 instances were my favorites -- Karazhan, Gruul's Lair, Magtheridon. Good times!!!
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    I had been keeping my wow sub going, mostly out of laziness, but this thread influenced me to go back make a troll mage. I blame you all for this. And possibly pandas...
  • Krizzle4Rizzle
    Krizzle4Rizzle Posts: 2,704 Member
    I had been keeping my wow sub going, mostly out of laziness, but this thread influenced me to go back make a troll mage. I blame you all for this. And possibly pandas...

    I love me some mages!
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    Hunters are awesome! Especially night elf hunters. I have one at level 50 I need to dust off and max out. Just sooooo hard with a growing number of alts. :tongue:
  • EbbySoo
    EbbySoo Posts: 267 Member
    I had been keeping my wow sub going, mostly out of laziness, but this thread influenced me to go back make a troll mage. I blame you all for this. And possibly pandas...

    Yes... if it weren't for the cutesy pandas I too wouldnt' have resubbed lol.