Learning the hard way :)

So, granted I am relatively new to running, but I just learned that it's a good idea to check the weather radar before going for a run. I didn't mind the rain so much (my childhood in Oregon has made me waterproof), but the hail was a bit harsh.

As an added bonus, I chose the long loop where there is no short cut back home... Oh what a day..


  • tnrunningnurse
    tnrunningnurse Posts: 549 Member
    About 10 years ago I woke up on a rainy/stormy Saturday and was very dissapointed because I wasn't going to be able to run. Mind you I will run in anything but a thunderstorm. So....I turned on TV,grabbed a cup of coffee and when they showed the radar I saw a gap...and I thought...."I can squeeze in 4 miles". Put on my gear headed out the door....then whoa 2 miles in thunder,lighting and very gusty winds....long story short...lesson learned.