Pushups causing elbow pain? Anyone else?

FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
Hey everyone - just curious if anyone else has had issues with their elbows. I'm just starting week 8 and all of a sudden all pushups are really painful and my elbows are really bothering me. I'm wondering if it's all of the different pushup positions and they're straining my elbows - have y'all had this issue?

I didn't do any pushups during week 7 to give them a break, but I did core last night and it was killing me. i'm coming up on recovery week so do y'all think I should skip the pushups again or ???

Thanks for any advice!!


  • Timarling
    Timarling Posts: 80
    I'm not sure if you might have some sort of tendonitis. If you're worried you could go see your PCP or an ortho doc. Alternatively, consider trying push up bars and see if that helps. Be warned - they make push ups substantially more difficult.
  • sandy_taylor13
    sandy_taylor13 Posts: 194 Member
    Ive had a few times where my elbows felt like they were going to crack. WHen that happened, I just went down to my knees and did them on my knees to take the pressure off. THat helped. A week after that I was able to go back and do them regular style. I think I just needed a rest, maybe you do too??
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Thanks for the input - I did Kenpo yesterday and they really bothered me then too, so I'm not sure what's up. I was focusing on not "banging my joints" and it was still bothering me...tomorrow is core so I'll take your advice and do them on my knees, and hopefully they'll be feeling better soon. I appreciate y'all!
  • jdthurm
    jdthurm Posts: 16 Member
    If the pain has persisted for several days see a doctor. Typically, they will give some kind of anti-inflammatory and, more importantly, help you identify the cause of the pain. As a preventative, I'm trying to take a joint supplement (Mendamine) and fish oil. I'm not confident these will help alleviate pain but from what I can tell should reduce the risk some. In addition to modifying doing push-ups from your knees consider not going as deep on your motion.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    An update - I backed off anything arm related, but am still having alot of pain. I'm on day 64 of P90X but won't be able to finish it this round :( pretty bummed, but I'd rather stop now than develop a lingering injury. Thanks for all of your advice!
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Motrin, motrin, motrin...... you have some sort of inflammation happening.
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Thank you! I have been taking advil and icing it a few times per day - hoping some complete rest will help it chill out. I think I just pushed too hard during the first 2 months of P90X and overdid it a bit, so once I back off I can hopefully re-start P90X and not push quite as hard this time to avoid injury!
  • earlyxer
    earlyxer Posts: 240 Member
    Don't stop! Just modify. Do pushups on your knees or try another way to exercise your chest. Do planks instead of pushups - remember, a push up is also a core excercise too!