DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
HI! Alright - so I've never started a group before - but after a long and tiresome search to find what I was looking for I decided instead to start a group of my own! Hopefully everyone else will enjoy this as much as I will. So, how about we use this thread to introduce ourselves!

I'm Dinah, I'm 22 years old and I have been in love with pin-ups from an early age, so when I decided to lose weight for new years I though "why not" and made it my own personal goal to reach a pin up look and maintain it! I am completely terrified of scales and therefore never use them, instead I measure myself once a week and make sure to keep in mind that I have given myself the whole year to get where I want to.

How about you??


  • AshleyMoe86
    I'm Ashley and I'm 25. I am already rocking the curves i just want to lose a little and tone up in a few places! I think the pin up girls are gorgeous, I would love to look like that!
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Hello! I'm Emily and I'm 28. I happen to have a pin-ups calender hanging here because I love them so much. I already have "hourglass measurements" but not the pin-up look ;)

    Would like to trim it in and try to make my own version of a pinup!
  • crazytreelady
    crazytreelady Posts: 752 Member
    HI! I have natural hourglass shape, I just want to make it even more so.
    I know I can attain it because my mom was 36-24-36 for most of her life and my grandmother truly was a pin-up gal of the 50's, she had a 20 inch waist :)
  • santosateos
    First let me star by saying, thanks for making this group; it's too perfect! Just what I wanted, I've always loved the pin up look, but never had the confidence to wear the beautiful dresses.

    My name is Rosa and I am 21. I recently lost a significant amount of weight, which really motivated me because I am closer to my goal already. Im currently 164 more or less, and my goal is 130lbs.

    How are you planning on using this group? For fitness challenges? Tips?
    I'm eager to see where this goes :)
  • VonD140
    VonD140 Posts: 10
    Hello all I'm Yvonne and I'm 27. I was 120 lbs through my sophmore year of college and needless to say now at 173...... I look back at my old pictures and am not trying to get back to the straight up and down look.... I love my curves and would like to lose and tone.... but not in the "right" places :-)
  • KrisyKat
    KrisyKat Posts: 749 Member
    Aloha Everyone! :flowerforyou:

    My name is Krisy and I'm 32 years old. Although I have a natural hourglass figure, I would like to tone up and accentuate my curves even more. Definitely looking forward to having the pin-up body I've always dreamed of.

    Best wishes and a Bettie Page body to all of us!!! :love:
  • neechole
    neechole Posts: 1
    Hi guys

    My name is Nichole and I'm 24. I'm way to big at the moment, but I want to be slim and curvy. This group is great!! =D
  • Ink_girl85
    Ink_girl85 Posts: 7 Member
    I think this group is great. I've always admired the way the earlier pin up girls looked. I dont ever want to be rail thin and coming from someone who's 300 pounds right now, I dont think thats ever going to happen. I would like to have a slimmer yet fuller figure. I have the curves in all the right places I just need to tone them down a bit!
  • Doreen_Murray
    Doreen_Murray Posts: 396 Member
    Exactly what I'm looking for as well and thanks for starting this group! Who doesn't love pinups?! Love that genre of photography. I've always been a natural hourglass shape and don't want to lose that, but after having my son my body naturally changed and I'd love to have more muscle definition and a more defined waistline. :flowerforyou:
  • Doomfrog
    Doomfrog Posts: 79
    Hey ladies! I love this group because no matter how much weight I lose, I'm never going to be "skinny," and I'm 100% okay with that. I'm more in it to be healthy but have to admit that I have a vast collection of clothing I'd like to fit into and look better in. Looking forward to having you ladies for inspiration!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    I'm Kell, a 35-y-o SAHM to a 3-y-o boy with loads of energy. I'm working on the energy part for myself though - LOL!

    Even at my thinnest, I was curvy (just shy of a UK size 12 after I'd been ill). I'm never going to be a Skinny Minnie, and wouln't want to be - all I want is to be a healthy weight and have feminine curves in all the right places! I have the hips and the boobs - I just have to find a waist somewhere under all this flab - LOL!

    I'd LOVE a Marilyn Monroe-type figure, or a Kate Winslet bod - she has soft curves and looks naturally awesome.

    My overall goal is to drop 70lbs and I'd got rid of 16 of those so far using MFP. To be honst, I'll probably want to shed another 7lbs once I hit that target, just to get myself comfortably into the middle of my healthy weight rainge, as my current target is closer to the upper end of that scale.

    I'm working on re-educating myself to choose healthier options when it comes ot food, and to stop when I'm full (I come from a childhood of "Eat that up - there are children starving in Africa!" to which I always wanted to reply, "Well, send it to THEM instead of forcing me to choke it down!" but never did). I'm also working on having a more active lifestyle for an all-round fitter, healthier body, but I thin ka fit, healthy body can also be a curvy one, so that's my goal!

    Looking forward to swapping tips, recipes and high fives for success with the rest of you!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • GhoulyGrin
    Hi! My name is Sidnee. I've always been curvy and I'm proud of that, but I've got some curves in all the wrong places (fat rolls and whatnot) but I'm working to improve on that! Lost 10 of 70 pounds so far and I'm feeling great.
  • DominiqueSmall
    DominiqueSmall Posts: 495 Member
    Hi - I'm Dominique and I thought this was a fabulous idea. I am 49, very curvy and am recovering from a brain injury. My goal is to lose weight but maintain my curviness. I'm tired of the 'let's all be zero's' mantra.

    I personally like my plentiful butt, big boobs and hour glass shape. Just want to get back into my size 9 jeans, be healthy and fit, and that it.

    Looking forward to seeing what we all can do here!

    Thanks again.

    BTW, Love the Marylin Monroe photo! Great choice!
  • Kell_Smurthwaite
    Kell_Smurthwaite Posts: 384 Member
    Wow Dominique - you look way younger than 49! I would have put you at about the same age as me and I'm 35! :)
  • WeCallThemDayWalkers
    WeCallThemDayWalkers Posts: 259 Member
    Hello everyone. Hope you're all having a curvalicious Monday. What are you doing today to make Monday a success?

    I'm dragging my boyfriend to the gym for some weight-lifting! Working on toning up that "back fat" roll of mine. You know, that thing that hangs over the bra strap and ruins many a summer dress photo?
    That one.

    Having a toned chest, back and shoulders will very much complement a smaller waist (someday!) :smooched:

  • DinahKyle
    DinahKyle Posts: 186 Member
    I'm being as good as I can be at work - yogurt, fruit and granola. Boyfriend is too sick to drag to the gym sadly - I may be able to drag my sister though :) Especially since she's a new member on MFP.

    Always trying to do LOTS of walking and also finding more and more exercises to cinch in that waist of mine a bit more!
  • ReignboMama
    HI everyone. My name is Jenn. I am 26 and a single mom. I have always been thick, and I have some nice curves but have lost them in the roundness!!! I just wanna lose the belly so you can see the curves!
    This is a great group and thank you for making it!
  • Juxtaposie
    Hello ladies! My name is Tammie, I'm 39 years old and even at my thinnest have never been one of the "skinny girls" I've put on an extra 70 pounds over the years that I'm trying to get rid of and this group just seems like the perfect fit. I look forward to getting to know you all!
  • jadedone
    jadedone Posts: 2,449 Member
    I just joined the group! I have a goal of "85" pounds to lose, but I really have some goal measurements in mind. I'm not really an hourglass, maybe one in the same way Kim K is: a pear with a big chest. But I definitely wish my waist was smaller. It is trying to peek out!

    So I am hoping along the way to lose some weight, get more fit and toned. I have no aspirations to be fitness model lean, somewhere between 21-25% body fat should be perfect.

    I am shooting for curvy with muscular limbs, and I am OK with a bit of definition in my arms and legs. Not sure I can go full pinup with the great hair and makeup, but the pin-up era is one of my faves in Hollywood. :D

    Look forward to sharing tips and lots of successes along the way. :)
  • JourneyToADecade
    JourneyToADecade Posts: 7 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm 28 and I've always had curves, and I love having curves... its so feminine and sexy, however, I want to get rid of the excess fat that is threatening my "hourglass" shape. Whenever I have lost weight in the past, I would lose it in my face first, and my waist second, so hopefully, it happens that way on this particular journey. Good luck everyone!!!