When will I learn??



  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I did it too! Yesterday I did a Kidney Foundation walk. They had Subway, chips, water and apples. I had an apple, chips and water but I was hungry! So I grabbed a sub, took the bread off and ate it. I feel like garbage this morning! :frown: I know I shouldn't have done it but that's all they had with any substance!

    I had actually thought about going to Long John Silvers and getting a piece of fish and taking a GlutenEase. No way I'll even try that now! :sick: It's so not worth it!!
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    i did it this weekend and felt like i was hungover all day, my stomach was ripped to shreds and i feel like i've been hit by a bus today... why dont i learn???
  • pdworkman
    pdworkman Posts: 1,342 Member
    Awww, guys. Come on. Take care of yourselves. Plan ahead - don't count on anyone else to have enough food for you. Take emergency food or have a fall-back plan. I don't want you to be sick!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    I think I did it again yesterday as well...but not on purpose this time. I didn't have anything that has gluten in it I don't think. I made myself a veggie omlette for breakfast with udi's bread for my toast, I also had 2 pieces of bacon and had HP sauce to dip it in. (I know that sounds strange but I love it) Hubby and I went out and stopped at Tim Hortons, but I just had a tea. Then for supper we BBQ-ed - Chicken breast, grilled veggies and coleslaw.

    We were planning on going for a walk after supper, but within an hour I was doubled over in pain and running to the washroom every 10-15 minutes. So I figured I better stay very close to home.

    I guess I am still having a hard time figuring out what I can and can not have.
  • ALH1981
    ALH1981 Posts: 538 Member
    Its so hard, sometimes i get so mad that i have to think about this all the time, so i get defiant... but it always comes back to me... Woudl love to feel normal today! :(

    Does gluteneze actuallyhelp?
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    I think I did it again yesterday as well...but not on purpose this time. I didn't have anything that has gluten in it I don't think. I made myself a veggie omlette for breakfast with udi's bread for my toast, I also had 2 pieces of bacon and had HP sauce to dip it in. (I know that sounds strange but I love it) Hubby and I went out and stopped at Tim Hortons, but I just had a tea. Then for supper we BBQ-ed - Chicken breast, grilled veggies and coleslaw.

    We were planning on going for a walk after supper, but within an hour I was doubled over in pain and running to the washroom every 10-15 minutes. So I figured I better stay very close to home.

    I guess I am still having a hard time figuring out what I can and can not have.

    You have to really watch BBQ sauce. I have discovered that smoke flavorings usually have gluten in them. Unless it was specified gluten free it may have been your culprit. Most companies are getting MUCH better about labeling but some are not very good.
  • mamabear272
    mamabear272 Posts: 268 Member
    Its so hard, sometimes i get so mad that i have to think about this all the time, so i get defiant... but it always comes back to me... Woudl love to feel normal today! :(

    Does gluteneze actuallyhelp?

    I certainly wouldn't use it as a license to go loading up on gluten but if you get a little accidentally, it helps!
  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    I think I did it again yesterday as well...but not on purpose this time. I didn't have anything that has gluten in it I don't think. I made myself a veggie omlette for breakfast with udi's bread for my toast, I also had 2 pieces of bacon and had HP sauce to dip it in. (I know that sounds strange but I love it) Hubby and I went out and stopped at Tim Hortons, but I just had a tea. Then for supper we BBQ-ed - Chicken breast, grilled veggies and coleslaw.

    We were planning on going for a walk after supper, but within an hour I was doubled over in pain and running to the washroom every 10-15 minutes. So I figured I better stay very close to home.

    I guess I am still having a hard time figuring out what I can and can not have.

    You have to really watch BBQ sauce. I have discovered that smoke flavorings usually have gluten in them. Unless it was specified gluten free it may have been your culprit. Most companies are getting MUCH better about labeling but some are not very good.

    We used Bull's Eye Original BBQ sauce for the chicken - I was told that is GF, so I figured I should be safe. I was also told HP steak sauce is GF - but then someone else told me it is not.....this really is confusing and hard to get used to.
  • SilentRenegade
    SilentRenegade Posts: 245 Member
    I did the same thing a few weeks ago in which I thought "hey this sandwich won't hurt me!" No I was wrong, and was miserable for about 5 days.

    Then this past weekend we went to the diner. I thought, oh, this should be okay... some chicken with spinach, feta, and rice. The gravy had flour in it.

    Yesterday, I thought "Oh I'll have some granola with this yogurt, granola is oats, it's legit."


    Within about 10 minutes of eating them I feel like I have a head cold and then it hits my stomach. Luckily those incidents were not nearly as bad as the full sandwich incident. I still feel achy today, but I made SURE to cook plenty of gluten free goodies that I can eat throughout the week. No more diners.

    I find it very hard when I see a food I once enjoyed or a restaurant I want to try and realize that I shouldn't because I could get sick.

    I also came up negative for the test but had a Vitamin D deficiency (though I was taking 5,000mg a day), so they advised me to stay away from gluten foods. It is easier just to say you can't have gluten and if they ask, then just say you're celiac. I don't feel like explaining it to every person that walks up to me.