Green Team Week 11 Weigh In

Jennycyr Posts: 159 Member
Hello Green Team!

We only have one more week!!! Remember we will be starting the new challenge called GRFS(Getting Ready for Summer Challenge) Shortly after the BL Challenge is completed. Please send me a message if you are interested in participating.


PW(previous weight)

CW(current weight)

Good luck on the weigh in and have a great week!!


  • StrongGwen
    StrongGwen Posts: 378 Member
    PW: 153 (or was it 154? I can't find my post from last week and it was a gain, so I've deleted it from my brain)
    CW: 150

    so close to breaking into the 140's, but maybe next week. NSV: had to try on 3 pair of summer pants yesterday to find some that are not too big!!
  • tenshiblue
    tenshiblue Posts: 150 Member
    PW: 147
    CW: 145.4

    The goal I set for this challenge is to lose about 1lb/week. I've now reached 12lb lost since I started this challenge. I'm 0.4lb away from this challenge's goal weight :) I can't thank everyone enough for the encouragement along the way!

    I'm so happy that my work uniform fit loosely around me. Before I started this challenge, I was on the verge of being forced to increase a size!
  • rrakcarter
    rrakcarter Posts: 85 Member
    pre weight 161
    current weight 161

    ok, not only have i been depressed because i have been on this stupid plateau for like a month, i went and broke a bone in my foot this past week. i am devastated emotionally and spiritually and physically. i know i can do more strength training but im a cardio person and was just getting in better shape to start running the road race circuit in our area. instead of running 3-5 miles a night, now im back down to one mile a night. ugh!!!!!!! so distressed right now.
  • terihaddad
    terihaddad Posts: 114 Member
    PW - 245
    CW - 243.8

    Ok, my usual weigh-in days are Thursdays, but this is the first time I've seen a loss in awhile, so I thought I'd take advantage!
  • suthernbelle
    suthernbelle Posts: 566 Member
    PW: 333
    CW: 331.6
  • smanning1982
    smanning1982 Posts: 210 Member
    PW 148
    CW 148.6 :(
  • WendyCollinson2004
    WendyCollinson2004 Posts: 146 Member
    PW: 160.8
    CW: 159.4

    Goodbye to the 160's, hello 150's. I am thinking of changing what my initial goal was. I am looking good, and I am getting to a pant size that I think looks good on me. I am going to keep going for a little while, but if I stop losing, I wont feel bad about it. I have lost 20lbs of my 40lbs, I wanted to lose before I started this challenge and all because of this challenge.
  • Jennycyr
    Jennycyr Posts: 159 Member
    It was 154. Good job!!
    PW: 153 (or was it 154? I can't find my post from last week and it was a gain, so I've deleted it from my brain)
    CW: 150

    so close to breaking into the 140's, but maybe next week. NSV: had to try on 3 pair of summer pants yesterday to find some that are not too big!!
  • raven23uk
    raven23uk Posts: 519 Member
    PW 151.6
    CW 151.6
  • weather4000
    weather4000 Posts: 78 Member
    P.W. 150.2
    C.W. 150.0
  • sheBB
    sheBB Posts: 573 Member
    CW: 178
    Have a great day everyone!
  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 599 Member
    PW: 199.8
    CW: 199.4
    Atleast its going down!!
  • Jennycyr
    Jennycyr Posts: 159 Member
    PW 171.1
    CW 170.4
  • slbauer63
    slbauer63 Posts: 92 Member
    So sorry this is late - serious computer issues!

    PW - 212

    CW - 213

    Up a pound but I was sick all of last week and couldn't exercise so I am glad it was only 1 pound. :)
  • RimRK
    RimRK Posts: 96 Member
    PW: 158
    CW: 158.4

    *snifs* DUMB TOM! :( I am still hitting my calories about 80% clean and working out. I am going to keep pushing. Sorry team:(
  • fitmom_pam1976
    fitmom_pam1976 Posts: 1,192 Member
    Great job Green Team!!! We have concluded WEEK 11 Weigh in!!!!! Next week is the FINAL WEIGH IN!!!!! Have a GREAT week and make the FINAL week a fabulous one!!!!! The following participant(s) have NOT weighed in and have been deleted from the challenge: