The Weight Spreads



  • ajh1014
    ajh1014 Posts: 80 Member
    We all feel your pain! I've lost a total of about 30 so far and things are finally just starting to get loose! Also, I think that when I started my jeans were so tight it took about 20 pounds just to get them to were they fit normally.

    Hang in there. It will happen.
  • naseak
    naseak Posts: 98 Member
    this is why I love this group. Only tall women realize how discouraging it can be to see people talk about losing 10lbs and dropping 2 sizes while we lose 20 and still wear the same size. I do find it encouraging to not be alone with this frustration.
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I have lost over 100lbs and still have a fat tummy. granted its def not as big as it was but dammiit you would think it would be kinda flat, but NOOO instead I have this stomach bulge righ smack dab in the middle of my stomach. WTH
  • jamie31
    jamie31 Posts: 568 Member
    I too have the problem: 43 pounds lost = 1 jeans size. Being a mathematician, I figured it out. Ladies, look at the size chart below. It is based on the standard hip sizes for jeans/pants. Look for your current pants size. The number to the right of the pants size tells you what fraction of your current weight you would need to lose to drop down 1 size. NOTE - it assumes that you will lose weight evenly over your whole body, top/bottom/arms/etc, which I KNOW is not true for me....

    Anyway, take that number to the right of your current pants size, multiply it by your current weight, and you will get an estimate of how many pounds you need to lose to drop down 1 size.

    20 ........ .08
    18 ........ .07
    16 ........ .07
    14 ........ .07
    12 ........ .07
    10 ........ .05
    8 .......... .05
    6 .......... .05

    SO - note the following. FIRST, the standard sizes are closer together at the low end of the size range than at the top end. That is one factor working against you. SECOND, a 250# woman wearing size 20 will have to lose 20 pounds to get to a size 18 - provided she is not pear-shaped!! - whereas a 150# woman wearing size 10 only needs to lose 7.5 pounds to get into a size 8.

    Sorry for the bad news. :grumble: But we all knew that anyway, didn't we??? :cry:

    And my final conclusion is this: Stand up tall, lord it over the shorties you associate with, because --- you DO work harder than they do.

    Hey! Thanks! That is cool! :) And based on my weight loss and size ratio several years ago, I think it is pretty accurate!! So now I have a goal :) Unfortunately - it looks like another 15 lbs before I get into size 12's. And then another 14 lbs to my size 10's. DANGIT!!!

    I think this is correct. I am a 12 now but if i lost 15lbs i would be back into a 10 which is almost exactly what I have gained since being in a size 10. SOOOO for me to get to my dream of a size 8 I need to lose 25lbs. Looking at my ticker reaching my goal weight should put me right at my goal size... HECK yes!!!!
  • FitnessBarbie99
    FitnessBarbie99 Posts: 283 Member
    That is a cool chart.

    I've also heard that most people lose weight from the extremities in and belly fat is the last to go.

    I'm not so sure how true that is ,but it might explain why I feel so ugly right now. My body is pretty nicely toned from about mid-thigh down and my arms have always been pretty good from elbow down. I've been working my triceps pretty hard for the last 4 months and am seeing smidge of progress.
    My belly just makes me gag! Plus, I'm almost 52 so just not pretty any more. Sigh.
  • MamaLutt
    MamaLutt Posts: 66 Member
    I feel your pain! Thirty was my magic number. Once I lost 30 pounds, it was like suddenly the whole world figured out my body had changed. Now, I get compliments constantly, but boy, those first 30 pounds were so frustrating!
  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member
    Some of my friends started to notice at ~25-30 pounds gone. Hubby didn't notice until 35-40 pounds gone. But get this: we were out to dinner 2 weeks ago with some of his office colleagues. They asked him how much I had lost. His answer -- about 15 pounds. The total at that point was more than 40 pounds!

    He says now they rib him about his answer every time they go to a bar after work. Good!!!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I can relate..

    It took me appx 25lbs to lose 1 dress from a 16 to a 14. Now that I'm just about a 12, I haven't had to lose that much.. maybe 15lbs.
  • MNA76
    MNA76 Posts: 1,541
    I think that it goes both ways. I've lost 35 lbs so far and gone down one full size and I'm in between the next. Fortunately, the stomach area seems to be where I lose first. However, other people don't seem to be able to tell as much as I can tell.
    But then again, over the past two years when I've packed on more and more weight, other people didn't realize that I weighed as much as I did. I could definitely tell.
  • Psychoanalytic
    Someone was talking about dress pants earlier.... JC Penny's has some that are amazing.
    Now... I hate the tags in them. I'm currently sitting on my big butt in a size 13 jeans, but I wear a size 20 in these pretty puppies.
    I for the life of me can't remember the brand...... They're either Worthington or St. John's Bay. They are AWESOME. I'm normally a jeans kinda girl, but when I have to wear dressier pants, these are my go-to's. They help flatten the gut out a little bit and are actually long enough for me too!
  • lorierin22
    lorierin22 Posts: 432 Member
    I have lost 15 pounds and one pants size, and I'm thinking your chart is right and I will need to lose another 10-15 to get down another one. I am losing weight in my stomach area (and of course my boobs are gone!). I'm down 3 inches in my waist and 1 inch around my belly, but I've only lost .5 inch off my hips and that is the real problem area for me!! Granted, I appreciate the waist area going down because I do have baby belly fat there from my 15 month old, but...I'm starting to look unproportional again...I tend to be thinner/smaller up top and bigger at the bottom, pretty much your standard pear shape here. Oh yeah...and NOONE has noticed my weight loss. Guess I agree with that blessing/curse theory...noone notices when you gain OR lose.
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    I feel your pain! Thirty was my magic number. Once I lost 30 pounds, it was like suddenly the whole world figured out my body had changed. Now, I get compliments constantly, but boy, those first 30 pounds were so frustrating!

    I am hoping that is the case... I just brought the 20lb mark as of this morning... WOOHOO!!! And I am about to do a major switch up on my workout routine so hopefully I see some amazing results!!
  • JustACaJen
    JustACaJen Posts: 83 Member
    Some of my friends started to notice at ~25-30 pounds gone. Hubby didn't notice until 35-40 pounds gone. But get this: we were out to dinner 2 weeks ago with some of his office colleagues. They asked him how much I had lost. His answer -- about 15 pounds. The total at that point was more than 40 pounds!

    He says now they rib him about his answer every time they go to a bar after work. Good!!!

    That is hilarious because I was just thinking yesterday how maybe I should stop telling my boyfriend how much weight I have lost so far because I don't know that he realizes how much I have gained in the last few years. He always says "you are not fat, so you put on a few pounds, so what?" But I think when I told him last time that I was up to 18 lbs lost he sort of took pause, like he was mentally figuring out how much I had lost and how little my body had changed... YIKES!! I kind of like him thinking I only had 20 lbs to lose :)