Muscle issues

I was wondering if anyone else had this problem as it might be hormone related-

I used to be able to walk 2.5 MPH on the treadmill for half an hour or more. I decided to insert some jogging in there and got a week-by-week plan from the Couch to 5k website. Before that I could alternate jogging and walking for the half not so much. I walk the 5 minute warm up, jog 60 seconds (at 4 MPH, which is probably walking fast for some people), and my lower leg muscles feel like they're going to explode. The only way to get them to stop is to stop walking and stretch. I thought that the more I worked at it and stretched, etc. the less my muscles would feel like that, but it hasn't helped. Now, I can't even walk 3 MPH for 15 minutes, nevermind trying to jog.

I read somewhere about thyroid problems causing these kinds of issues and I was wondering if it was just hormones in general. I'm sick of feeling horrible after I workout. Shouldn't I feel better?

My weightloss has also stopped, but I'm picking up some Vitex tonight and I'm going to try that. Next time I go grocery shopping, I'm going to get some of the other supplements ladies recommended on here.


  • jhann16
    jhann16 Posts: 62
    Hi Marybrry4!

    I had this problem too! It was two-fold.

    1) I wasn't eating the right foods. I was eating within my calorie budget, but I wasn't eating good nutrients. Once I changed to mostly vegetables and lowered my carb & sugar intake I got my energy back. The calf cramps stopped when I got my Vitamin D3, B12 and Potassium levels back up into "normal" range.

    2) I have major muscle and body aches, lower legs included, when my blood sugar drops during a workout.

    Also, just out of curiosity, is it your calf muscles or the front/side of your leg? It could also be shin splints, which is a common condition for anyone with flat or pronating feet.

    Hope this helps!
  • Meloonie
    Meloonie Posts: 144 Member
    It could be that you dont have the right trainers on. Are they proper running or cross training ones? I was beginning to get shin splints and so my legs would be really painful during and after a workout and I realised that I'd had my trainers for well over a year, I went and bought some new ones and I'm not getting pain anymore. If it is pain in the front of your legs it could be shin splints, so make sure you're wearing the right shoes and rest up for a week or so.

    Good luck x
  • krisrpaz
    krisrpaz Posts: 266 Member
    I starting having muscle issues - cramping, spasming, jumping - that progressed to constant migraines and was diagnosed with magnesium and vitamin d deficiency. As soon as I added these to my daily pills I noticed a huge improvement. Bottom line is you probably are deficient in some kind of nutrient. Maybe visit your doctor and have them run some tests to check all of those including your thyroid.
  • brittlynn07
    brittlynn07 Posts: 386 Member
    I had that problem not too long ago. And I agree with jhann16. I wasn't eating the right things but now that I am I don't have that problem. I also wasn't getting enough sleep but I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it or not.
  • marybrry4
    marybrry4 Posts: 12
    Thanks guys! I probably do need new shoes. Not sure how long I've had mine, but almost positive it's been over a year. And it is mainly the front part of my leg, but I never even considered shin splints, mainly because I never really knew what they were. My feet are pretty flat and my ankles turn inward. I should probably go to one of those places that measures your feet and all that junk, but hubby is currently laid off, so money is an issue.

    I think until I can get my shoe situation righted, I'll stick to my yoga, Weight Watchers, and belly dancing DVDs. When I take walks with my mom to the store or whatever my legs don't seem to bother me as much; it's mainly just on the I think I'll give the treadmill a break for a while.

    Oh, I've also started the Vitex and FINALLY remembered to take a multi-vitamin. I've been trying to eat less calories AND eat healthy, but I probably am missing some vitamins in there somewhere.