Day 2/3 :-) . . . weighing in?

getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
I'm so proud of us! Last night despite all of my juice/food intake I was hungry (I guess b/c I went to sleep too late). Well I had another packet of almonds w/ juice and that help tremendously. I'm glad I didn't dig into the jelly bean display my husband put up. :grumble:

Have you been weighing in? Oh yes that fiber has kicked into overtime! HAHA


  • lhoerth
    lhoerth Posts: 3
    I am happy to report I am down 3lbs.. I assume it is mostly water weight but it still feels great. I am not as hungry as I expected to be by day 3. I had a lot of energy this morning so I got on the treadmill and jogged 2 miles before work. I am already a little sick of my mean green juices. I'll never understand how Joe Cross (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead) completed 60 days on this single juice.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I am happy to report I am down 3lbs.. I assume it is mostly water weight but it still feels great. I am not as hungry as I expected to be by day 3. I had a lot of energy this morning so I got on the treadmill and jogged 2 miles before work. I am already a little sick of my mean green juices. I'll never understand how Joe Cross (Fat Sick and Nearly Dead) completed 60 days on this single juice.

    You are doing great! I am down too but I know I ate a lot of sodium going out all last weekend. The loss is slowing down but I'm down about 3.8 lbs which I'm pretty sure it's water weight too. I have lots of energy. I'm doing the half reboot so still allowing protein and veggies for dinner.