
So... how are you all?

I've 4 little monkeys, born in '04, '08, '09 & '11. 2 boys and 2 girls and am at home full time.

Thought it'd be nice to introduce ourselves this way? What do your kids like doing?


  • KatieQ6
    KatieQ6 Posts: 3
    Hi, Kate here :),

    I also have 4 kiddos born '06(Boy), '08(Boy), '09(Boy), and '11(G). The oldest three like to move, move, move (and occasionally take things apart to see what makes them tick), and the youngest mostly just loves to smile (4mo). I'm homeschooling my eldest in kindergarten right now in K, doing Pre-school with Boy2, and (Very/Very) part time working.

    I love my kids and husband, and want to be able to keep up with everyone else's energy! I don't seem to do well without accountability, and am glad there are so many options for support here.

    Nice to meet you ;).
  • Ndavis107
    Ndavis107 Posts: 10
    I know just what you mean, although my kids are 27 yrs. and 13 yrs. I also have a dog that insists on having a walk every 4-5 hours and I swear climbing hills I feel like I am going to pass out. Its seems the more I walk our same route the more that hills seems to get steeper, but I have to keep going for me. God bless!:smile:
  • Ndavis107
    Ndavis107 Posts: 10

    My kids are older 27 yrs. and 13 yrs. but I try to keep fit by walking my dog at least 5 fives a day, up and down hills. I see your progress...I would love to lose 14LBS...keep up the good work...out!:happy:
  • Hi. My name is Michelle. I have two boys ages 12 and 10. They are very active boys who love sports and join every sport possible. I just want to be able to keep up with them and not just be the mom who cheers on the sidelines. According to my MD I need to lose about 60Lbs but for now I have set a goal of 40Lbs by September. I usually start out strong and sometimes go crazy with it and then quickly lose interest. I am hoping by setting realistic goals and making small changes at a time I can stay on target. In addition to my weight loss goals, I am trying to quit smoking. I have not smoked in 20 days. I work from home and drive every where I go. I used to live in NYC so I walked all day and that kept my weight under control but since I moved to CT I dont excercise at all. I started walking and riding last week and I love it. I try to go every day for at least 30 minutes but I dont like going alone. :) My biggest problem is that I dont eat much. I usually skip breakfast and lunch and fill myself with coffee. My body thinks I am starving it and so when I do eat it stores everything. Since I started on MFP I noticed that I only ate three meals and snacks once this week. I can use all the help and support you can throw my way.
  • I'm Jessica. I have a one-year-old daughter. Never really lost the baby weight so finally trying to get on board with a healthier lifestyle! We may be trying for Baby #2 this summer, and I realize if I just let myself eat whatever I want whenever I want, pretty soon I'll be huge when we're done having the 3-4 kids we ultimately want....
  • lafeye
    lafeye Posts: 12
    Hello, I'm Tonya and I am a SAHM with four kiddos...2 boys who are 12 and 10 and 2 girls who are 2 and 10 months. They are such a joy to raise. I am blessed to b with them everyday and learn who they are and how to love them! We homeschool and my husband has always been super supportive of my being here and raising our kids to love and serve God, love each other, their family and others. I have been married 15 blessed years and pray for many more with my husband and best friend. We are in the middle of trying to move to a new home so life is a little upside down and out of order...crazy times! My husband is also in the middle of switching from the army reserve to the national guard. Hoping to be settled and in a normal routine by the end of April. I seem to do so much better when change is minimal!

    I am happy to b doing mfp bc of the support and encouragement it can offer. My wight loss is slower then I would like but trying to b consistant and really keeping track of my daily eatings and doings. The last few years have been emotional. We had our 1st daughter in June 09, got prego again 9 months later, then our baby went to heaven 4 months later, then got prego with 2nd daughter 2 months after that. When I lost our baby boy I gave up for a bit and gained about 20 pounds...then with getting prego again so quickly, I did not lose any of that weight before gaining pregancy weight. I have always struggled with having a good body/self image even when I was a size 5, so I am on this journey, fighting together with my Lord and my family to win the battle and see myself as God sees me and as my husband sees me. My hope is to b and encouragement to others in their journey, too. I am here if anyone wants to chat or has prayer needs.
