Weight lose = sagging skin:(

Hires113 Posts: 12 Member
OK so i've lost 27lbs to date (YAY) NOW my belly is starting to sag. I have old stretch marks up past my belly button and it's looking very bad. Does anyone have any suggestions on creams or something that will help?

I know I still have about 20lbs to go and exercising will help but i'm scared my skin has been stretched for so long that i'll be just hanging there and I DO NOT want to have surgery.



  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    I would like the answer to that as well. I'm 47, and I'm not only dealing with stretch marks, I've had a few laparoscopic surgeries, a vertical C-section, and a hysterectomy using the same scar. The muscles are gone, and it ain't pretty! Sagging skin would not be a welcome addition. I don't want a tummy tuck, but I'm afraid that is all that will fix me.
  • Hires113
    Hires113 Posts: 12 Member
    I had a reply on my page to go the search up top and type in "sagging skin" she said she had seen several people discuss it before. Hope it helps, I'm going to look now.
  • cloud2011
    cloud2011 Posts: 898 Member
    My belly area is a problem and I think losing slowly has helped me avoid some of what you're talking about (I still have a way to go, so I don't know how it will all turn out). Also, there are exercises for your core that can help tighten the muscles. Not just abs but your back and chest. You can give yourself a lift by doing military presses, planks, etc. (You might already do these, I don't know).

    My sister-in-law did have a tummy tuck because repeated c-sections left her muscles off kilter; she looks fantastic, too, especially after she took up running.
  • Summerlove1993
    Summerlove1993 Posts: 102 Member
    My muscles were cut in order to remove my endometriosis and tumors. I don't believe that abdominal exercises would work in my case.