looking for some help and support!

Bmjnash Posts: 101 Member
Hello I am a mom of 2 boys. One is 2 and the other I just had on 3-9-12. I am exclusively Breastfeeding my little Guy also. I have not started any workouts, due to not being cleared by the doctor yet. With my first son the weight was easy to come off I was living with my mom and we joined the gym together and went 4x a week for 2 hours. We were a good team.

This time though that wont work. Hubby and I just bought a house this past summer and we are 45 minutes away form my mom. So I found this app.

I am trying to get my eating under control. I either eat too much or not at all. And I don't want to ruin my milk supply. I breastfeed for 13 months with my first and want to make it that long with this little Guy too.

I am in need of friends, support, and motivation!


  • ariant23
    ariant23 Posts: 161 Member
    First of all, YAY! congrats! And yay for nursing again (and joining the SAHM club, it's pretty cool). It can be a little bit tougher with #2 because #1 runs around causing troule knowing you can't intervene as quickly as before. It sounds like you did great last time but the gym and gym buddy aren't an option this time. Were you able to cut calories last time and still keep up your supply? Personally, I wouldn't cut calories just yet, but wait a few more weeks. Give yourself at least a month to recover. The sleep deprivation is insane, and can wreak havoc on, well, everything. Personally, I can't cut calories until I'm done nursing (I just finished with #2 in late Jan), it instantly kills my supply. But if you can, that's awesome.

    For me, my husband was really supportive of my nursing, even though I couldn't lose the weight and go back to being his "hot mama". So hopefully your hubby is supportive too. It's critical for me.

    I bought an elliptical for our basement, and i work out after the girls are in bed. I got netflix streaming so I can watch something while I work out (it's not something I enjoy, just the results). I hit the 15lb mark, so now I'm going to get myself some weight so I can work on toning too. My day to day motivation is my calendar. i have one of those giant family calendars, and I get a sticker every time I work out. And when I get to 100 days, I can start looking for a good deal on a new TV for watching netflix. right now I watch on a 20-something inch TV purchased in the early 90's by my parents, it's the one they gave me when I went off to school.

    Anyway, I have short term prizes, stickers, medium-term, new TV, and long term, hot mama to keep me motivated.
  • shilohae
    shilohae Posts: 23
    Congrats on the new baby and for choosing to bf again! I was in the same situation. With my first my weight came off easily, with the 2nd I just didn't feel as if I had enough motivation to work out all of the time. If I were you I would not constrict your calories just yet. It usually takes about 3 months for you and your baby to get your supply where it needs to be. With the weather warming up I would strap the kiddos in the stroller and take as many walks as you can. Once your baby has his sleep routine down you could use that time to play the Wii or do a fitness dvd. Also, if there are any classes in your area and hubby is comfortable watching both babies for an hour or so, Zumba is a great workout :0) Good luck and feel free to add me! I bf my son 18months and am still nursing my 20m daughter :0)
  • RandaDerkson
    RandaDerkson Posts: 18 Member
    Congrats! My little guy was born March 8 and I'm looking for support for weight loss too. Feel free to add me :)
  • missfitp
    missfitp Posts: 33 Member
    I also do the calendar idea someone gave and it is great motivation. I would wait to get in a strict exercise regimen because of the milk supply. Add me if you wish. I'm always looking for new motivators !
  • jcmjim22
    jcmjim22 Posts: 162
    Hi I'm also breastfeeding and wanting to start exercising again. I'm currently eating 1700 calories a day. I sometimes wonder is that too little as my supply has gone down in total ounces per day a couple of times. I'm only pumping...no nursing. If I start to walk/jog or use the elliptical should I add in more calories? I want to continue breast feeding until at least 12 months.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm looking for people that I can help motivate and can help keep me motivated! :)
  • wheezybreezy
    wheezybreezy Posts: 313 Member
    Hi I'm also breastfeeding and wanting to start exercising again. I'm currently eating 1700 calories a day. I sometimes wonder is that too little as my supply has gone down in total ounces per day a couple of times. I'm only pumping...no nursing. If I start to walk/jog or use the elliptical should I add in more calories? I want to continue breast feeding until at least 12 months.

    Please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm looking for people that I can help motivate and can help keep me motivated! :)

    Feel free to exercise! Just make sure to eat back your calories.. not some, but all. I try to burn at least 400 cals/workout, but I eat them all back. Also, once I subtract my breastfeeding calories, I'm eating around 2400. Now, I do weigh 232, but I don't think I'll ever go back to eating fewer than 1500 cals/day even after she's weaned. My baby is 6 months old and eats solid food once a day.