Idea's for Staying Motivated!

Today one of our members ReverendJim posted the following idea for staying motivated in our March thread.

"Here's an idea... I decided to walk the equivalent from Seattle area to Phoenix in 2012. That's a bit more than 100 miles a month. I am tracking my "walk" with Google Maps... it's an idea for you that is fun and for me, it's really motivating! Here is how I chart it:

What a great idea! I know myself I can always use more ideas to keep motivated and make that 100 miles a month so I thought we could start this discussion to share any motivational ideas etc. with other group members. So feel free to help out another and post anything you think might inspire someone else the way it did you. Come back often!


  • healthrider11
    Guess, I'll start.
    I read a book a few months ago called "Life without Limits" Not sure why I picked it out but it was very, very motivating to me. After reading it I felt I had no excuses not to try my best. Still sticking with me as this man is so incredibly positive and was born with no arms or legs.
    Here's a brief passage on the book from a web site.... Life without Limits -
    Born without arms or legs, Nick Vujicic overcame his disability to live not just independently but a rich, fulfilling life, becoming a model for anyone seeking true happiness. His central message is that the most important goal for anyone is to find their life’s purpose despite whatever difficulties or seemingly impossible odds stand in their way.
    I would highly recommend it if you are looking for some incredible motivation.

  • aml0484
    aml0484 Posts: 425
    I find that it helps to surround myself with positive supportive people and to also let others know my goals so that I feel more comfortable. Also trying new things. I started the couch to 5K today and love the app they have for the iphone. This has really motivated me. There are also other apps for phones such as map my walk and map my run. I love these if you are going off the beaten path. It keeps track of the time you have been moving as well as distance and approx calories burned. It even draws a map of the walk run or bikeride that you just did. It has been motivating for me to see my self improve.