diet and exercise

I have been doing the Wii Fit for the last year, I have lost 3 whole bounds (yea me) I have been watching my food intake for 2 years as I was diagnosed diabetic. Doc says don't worry it is just a number as does his nurse. So I decided to count calories along with every thing else. I know it has only been 23 days but 1 pound is a little slow for me. Any ideas out there, besides giving up my ice cream fix


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    I will try to help you if you'll give me more details.

    what do you do all day (what kind of work/activity, etc)
    What do you do on Wii fit (how long etc)
    How tall
    how heavy
    what are your calories set to and how do you feel about that amount?
  • mikey3925
    mikey3925 Posts: 35
    It can be so frustrating how rediculously long it can take to make progress!

    But it's better to have lost three than gained three! Far better! So, good for you!

    Now that you are also counting calories and increasing your healthy behavior by using the tools here at myfitnesspal, you will probably be more successful.

    Good luck with your progress!