Whats your progress?

Sambina32 Posts: 25 Member
I have lost 6 lbs since I started I believe that was March 20. Its mostly water Im sure! But I feel fantastic! :)


  • mcchap
    mcchap Posts: 26 Member
    I am down 3lbs. Which I also feel is water weight, but I will take it - 3 lbs is 3 lbs!
  • Haz3Boyz
    Haz3Boyz Posts: 23
    I am down 6...4 more to go before the end of this challange!!!! 2weeks left!!!!:drinker:
  • Sambina32
    Sambina32 Posts: 25 Member
    Your right 3 lbs is 3lbs thats the hardest to loose is the first 3 lbs.. Keep it up!! :)
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I've lost 50 lbs. since April 11, 2011!
  • ksloop00
    ksloop00 Posts: 144
    I weigh in tomorrow and will start the 10lb. challenge. My weight right now is 142.9
  • mrseelmerfudd
    mrseelmerfudd Posts: 506 Member
    my weigh in is tomorrow, though i had a sneaky step up and was highly disappointed, looks like ill only have lost a lb. will be really disappointed if that is all.
  • BrittRae12
    I'm down 2lbs. I've been slacking on my cardio, but have been doing my strength training. Going to get my homework done, then knock out my cardio for the day
  • jennasuer
    jennasuer Posts: 19
    After 2 weeks I've lost almost 4 lbs and 3 of them was this past week. I have to work extra hard this week because its my birthday on Thursday and were going out to eat. I gotta step up my workout tomorrow morning and push myself.
  • holliemccabe
    I'm goig to start this challenge today at 129lbs ! Good luck everyone!! X
  • icollectstraws
    ive lost over 6lbs.. ive been slacking lately for my birthday, but still not doing too bad. staying near my calorie goal.. only about 4lbs more to go until the end of this challange! =] and then another 10 after that lol good luck guys! keep it up!
  • Swissy98
    Swissy98 Posts: 25
    Wow! Everyone is doing fantastic! What date does this challenge end?
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    Starting today! Have 30 lbs to lose total....weigh- ins on Saturday?
  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    I haven't lost anything as yet. I am still recovering from a nasty virus so have been taking things easy. Back on it now though! I have been on a plateau for several months so I am going to have to make so e changes I think. Doing more exercise is my first attempt. I'm going to try and fit more runs in and on non-run days I'm going to do 30 day shred or weights and walking.
  • oneira
    oneira Posts: 14
    I started yesterday at 150lbs. At healthy, went to the gym and worked hard... feeling really good about these 10lbs in four weeks. I know I'm going to have to work for it, though. Yesterday I bought Twizzlers (kryptonite) and then thought WTF AM I DOING and hid them and did not eat them. Feel pretty proud of myself for that so yay :)
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
    I started yesterday at 150lbs. At healthy, went to the gym and worked hard... feeling really good about these 10lbs in four weeks. I know I'm going to have to work for it, though. Yesterday I bought Twizzlers (kryptonite) and then thought WTF AM I DOING and hid them and did not eat them. Feel pretty proud of myself for that so yay :)

    Good job! Don't just hide them.......throw them away! My kryptonite is buttered popcorn......managed not to eat at at movie this weekend and wanted to bury my head in the bag! Keep strong and good luck!
  • ksutte
    ksutte Posts: 76 Member
    I'm down 5 since I started this challenge. 60 ozs of water, lots of fruit and exercise, sore but feeling good :happy:
  • oneira
    oneira Posts: 14
    Thank you so much!! I am going to throw them away. At first I resisted that idea because I spent money on them, but getting skinny is well worth the $1.80!! :D
  • VAgal123
    VAgal123 Posts: 35
  • sovannac
    sovannac Posts: 445 Member
    I haven't lost anything but I won't give up! :) Feeling great after a hard gym session!
  • oneira
    oneira Posts: 14
    I haven't lost anything but I won't give up! :) Feeling great after a hard gym session!

    Hey, that's the right attitude!! even if you don't lose anything, trying is better than giving up--no matter what! I am afraid to weigh myself because I'm worried that I haven't lost anything either, but I'm working out and eating right and I feel better and better so I know I'm getting healthier regardless of what the scale says.

    You can do it!!