Prayer for Protection , Guidance and Pardon........

Good Morning ! ! !

Greeting in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ ~~~

As I seek Jesus out in my daily life I'm more,& more hungry to Love & Serve Him in every area of my LIFE.

From what I EAT to how I use every HOUR of the DAY. For truely each day is a GIFT ! God gives us " Free Will " It on us what we do with it ......

" ~~~~Nothing Taste As Good as a Healthy ~~ Heart , Soul & Mind ! ~~~~ " ( WOMETO )

*** PSALM 25 : 1 - 22

" Dear Jesus My Lord & Best Friend I ask for your Protection in my LIFE .

Guidance me in my steps of Service to Thee each Day & Pardon me for

anything that I have Said Done

that has brought any sadness to Thy Heart ! ! ! Dear Jesus A-Men ~~ A-Men ~~
