Introductions are needed



  • roymmou
    roymmou Posts: 39 Member
    Ok so after religiously exercising for 16 days I caught a bad bout of the flu and have been laid up for a week now......I feel as if I am back at square one and it is really demotivating. Will have to somehow manage to start all over again tomorrow.
  • samabelle829
    Hey all! I recently started Power 90. Unfortunately my schedule is so unpredictable that I'm not able to follow the calendar specifically, but I have managed to do at least 3 work outs a week. Some weeks more. Once I started using the myfitnesspal app to stay concious of my calorie/fat intake I started having a lot more success losing weight, and more importantly inches!
  • kindred_fawn
    kindred_fawn Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome to the group samabelle829 :) Power 90 is great.

    When I started 9 days ago, I could only do 2-3 pushups lol. Now I can do 6-7 :) I also did full chair dips with straight leg yesterday, thats an achievement for me.

    I love Power 90 for sculpt. I also added Slim in 6 yesterday, and it got me sweating! I think slim in 6 cardio (the beginner video) is much more intense than sweat 1-2, and its low impact.
  • solearybrown
    solearybrown Posts: 14 Member
    I am a little late in joining this group. I started Power 90 with my 19 year old daughter on May 11. We are on day 17 today. We also just completed week 5 of Couch to 5k today!
  • Steph13RN
    Steph13RN Posts: 92 Member
    Are you guys still using Power 90?? How is it going?
  • aprz27
    aprz27 Posts: 1
    Hi everyone, my name is Ashley and I started Power 90 yesterday, May 4th. I got a good sweat going with the Sculpt 1-2 and went to do the Sweat 1-2 and the Ab Ripper today. I did the Ab Ripper successfully, sweating up a storm and really feeling the burn - I went to continue to do the Sweat 1-2 and found the Power Yoga was quite difficult to follow being a beginner, constantly having to tip my head up to look at the screen to see if I was doing it right and also it felt quite rough on my wrists. Any suggestions on how to make this a little bit more comfortable? Or maybe I should do it with a partner so they can guide me a little better?

    I also just have the videos as a friend let me have her old copies as she fell short of ever completing it, lol. I have IBS so my diet is pretty strict to begin with - my meals have mostly consisted of fruits & veggies for snacks throughout the day, low fat greek yogourt, and fish & salad for dinner, with slight variations. I thought that having to switch to this diet due to my condition would help me lose weight as is, which it has a little bit, but working at a desk job just doesn't cut it! Any suggestions for exciting new healthy meal plans would be great too! Power 90 is going to be my go-to for the exercise I need daily!

    Great to read everyones stories and best of luck to everyone!