Week of 3/25

Hi all,
I had a great week on the meal plan last week, and it payed off on the scale - down 2 pounds. My "cravings" for sugar really did decrease as the week went by, and on Friday night, I was able to turn down cake. This is huge for me. I've been feeling some depression, and since I was able to stay off sugar during the week, I felt it diminish tremendously. I've been doing my strength training in the morning, but am really struggling with fitting in my cardio with our family's insane schedule lately (ok, and I just can't bring myself to get up a half hour earlier to get to the gym to do cardio). Will try to do my 2 15 minute breaks today and walk and climb stairs, and hopefully that will be a bit of a kick start. In two weeks, my job moves me to a satelite location, and I'm about 10 minutes from my gym, so I can go at lunch.

The only bummer was that I had my heart set on a certain "cheat" item for my free day yesterday, and when I got there, they were sold out. Silly, but that had been my focus for the week "No, you can't have that cake, because on Sunday you're going to try a maple-bacon donut". Might sound gross, but I've been intrigued. Anyhow, I'm changing my "cheat" day to Saturday this week, becuase my husband and I will be celebrating our aniversary that night.

How is everyone else doing?


  • tehmagwi
    tehmagwi Posts: 3 Member
    This is my first week on it still but so far its been working really well for me. I'm hoping to lose some. I need 40 more lbs to be where I really want. This week I went all out on my cheat day but I noticed that I didn't eat nearly as large portions as I normally would. It made me feel good but I have to get over that feeling of "wasting" food if I don't finish it all. Crossing my fingers for my next weigh in!