Daily Challenges.....March 27th-MOVE IT!!!!!!!!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Movement...I am not talking exercise we have already been beaten in the head about that! But what about movement through out the day. Since research is now saying it is not just about exercise but movement (which does the body good) what can we do to get more in our day?!?!? AAAAAH!
Well, when going to the store the other day I yelled at myself, "stop looking or a close parking just park far and WALK!!!" It is the little things that add up and help us achieve goals and sustain our bodies.
Find a way to get more movement in your day along with exercise. Park far, take stairs, get up and go talk to a coworker, take the pooch on an extra 5-10 min walk it will do him good too, clean a room, and/or cook dinner..that involves standing!

If you can think of other ways let me know! Sharing is powerful. We can make change in numbers!!!
Peace. WW


  • TiffanyW1014
    TiffanyW1014 Posts: 614 Member
    I think I will try swimming with my daugher a little after her swim lessons. It won't count as my exercise but it will be fun just playing around in the pool with her. Just so you know this one is extra hard for me.... I hate swimsuits!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    But it will be a double win she will remember this for a lifetime and you will get more movement in even if just 15 min!