CLX/Turbo Fire

mrsladybrewer Posts: 70 Member
Hi all! I am 31, 5'7" and 188 pounds.

I am in my second month of my own Turbo Fire/Chalean Extreme hybrid. I do Turbo Fire every morning before work and CLX on Tuesday and Thursdays after work. I try to fit it in other days, if I can, but those are minimum.

I am down 9 pounds so far. My main goal is down to 150, so I have a bit to go, but I am dedicated this time! I know I can do it.


  • JoyfullySimpleFit
    CLX is an excellent workout. A hybrid is even better! I love the lifting and HIIT cardio together. Knowing how to make it all work for you and your schedule is key. WTG!