Drunk moments?

Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
I know there is alot of controversy on this, but do you think that people do what they really want to when they are drunk becuse of no inhibitions, or just do stupid things because all sense is gone?

Example..........boy who generally goes for "barbie doll" type is drunk........he is very flirty with non barbie doll type when drunk and ends up hooking up with her. So, did he do this because he wanted to, but wouldn't before due to not thinking he should be atracted to this type OR did he do it because he had "beer goggles" and just didn't care?

What do you think?


  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I think it can be both.

    When I drink I get aroused easier. It's like my senses are magnified 100 times and a simple touch or the way something is said (i.e. whisper) can turn me on. Unless I'm beyond a certain point and then I don't feel squat (i.e. the skinny dipping boob touch FL did).

    I would say for ME, it's more the loss of inhibitions. I keep saying TMI but I'm just warning ya'll....
    I don't have many inhibitions in bed at all sober or drunk. I'm very open and playful but I'll lose inhibitions concerning making a first move either by making suggestive attempts or even just going up to someone and kissing them because sober me, wouldn't tell someone "why don't you kiss me already!" or grab someone by their shirt and land a big wet one on them.

    I don't get beer goggles but I'm sure that can happen to some folks.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I do things I want to more. I do things I don't (normally) want more.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Both indeed.

    Not that I would know about it.

    I've got a friend who has definitely hit girls he normally would not hit on, because he was drunk.
    But also, this friend loses all his inhibitions when he is drunk, which makes it easier for him to approach girls he would hit on normally as well as girls he would normally not hit on.
    So yeah, this friend thinks it's both beer goggles (he then realises he got a bit carried away later, and that his judgement was "impaired" but sometimes he gets a lucky pick) and losing inhibitions.
    So, did he do this because he wanted to, but wouldn't before due to not thinking he should be atracted to this type OR did he do it because he had "beer goggles" and just didn't care?
    This friend also tells me that alcohol makes him "aroused" as well as the girl who posted before. So he sure is attracted to any type, at least when he is drunk.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Both indeed.

    Not that I would know about it.

    I've got a friend who has definitely hit girls he normally would not hit on, because he was drunk.
    But also, this friend also loses all his inhibitions when he is drunk, which makes it easier for him to approach girls he would hit on normally as well as girls he would normally not hit on.
    So yeah, this friend thinks it's both beer goggles (he then realises he got a bit carried away later, and that his judgement was "impaired" but sometimes he gets a lucky pick) and losing inhibitions.
    So, did he do this because he wanted to, but wouldn't before due to not thinking he should be atracted to this type OR did he do it because he had "beer goggles" and just didn't care?
    This friend also tells me that alcohol makes him "aroused" as well as the girl who posted before. So he sure is attracted to any type, at least when he is drunk.

    "the girl" has a name!
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    "the girl" has a name!
    Yeah yeah... The girl who is called "Rainbow Rocket"! There ya go! :flowerforyou:
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    I don't drink, I just do stupid stuff for fun (or out of boredom)
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    is that a porn star or something??

    or did you make that up?
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    is that a porn star or something??
    or did you make that up?
    :noway: My reputation... What has it become!?
    That's a rainbow rocket!
    Not porn star or anything like that. :cry:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    My bad...

    No it's my mind. It's in the gutter as of lately. Sorry. :flowerforyou:
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    When I drink my inhibitions become non-existant. So I'll hit on just about any chick. I suffer from a medical condition that most men suffer from but I'm one of the few who will admit it. HDNC (Hard D*** and No Conscience), when it gets like that I just look for stuff to keep me occupied. This is a reason I don't drink very much at all, it brings out the animalistic in me, and that never ends well.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I know there is alot of controversy on this, but do you think that people do what they really want to when they are drunk becuse of no inhibitions, or just do stupid things because all sense is gone?

    Example..........boy who generally goes for "barbie doll" type is drunk........he is very flirty with non barbie doll type when drunk and ends up hooking up with her. So, did he do this because he wanted to, but wouldn't before due to not thinking he should be atracted to this type OR did he do it because he had "beer goggles" and just didn't care?

    What do you think?

    Personally, drunk or sober, I have never, nor would ever, hook up with someone I didnt fancy :bigsmile:

    However, being drunk I would definitely lose my inhibitions. So, this person I already fancy, I would not go and chat to sober, but I would chat to them drunk. And flirt. And .............whatever :smooched:

    So, I believe that my true self emerges when drunk. I do and say things that I am just too shy/sensible/diplomatic to say when sober.

    However, speaking generally, there is definitely a case for beer googles!! Many a person has woken up with another person and regretted it. So yeah, I don't think there is a definitive answer here..........but I do think I'm more inclinded to believe that most people show their true, inner selves when drunk :drinker:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    When I drink my inhibitions become non-existant. So I'll hit on just about any chick. I suffer from a medical condition that most men suffer from but I'm one of the few who will admit it. HDNC (Hard D*** and No Conscience), when it gets like that I just look for stuff to keep me occupied. This is a reason I don't drink very much at all, it brings out the animalistic in me, and that never ends well.

    Wow! very honest of you! :flowerforyou:

    There is a pattern emerging about men and women here :laugh:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Both indeed.

    Not that I would know about it.

    yeah, right!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    When I drink my inhibitions become non-existant. So I'll hit on just about any chick. I suffer from a medical condition that most men suffer from but I'm one of the few who will admit it. HDNC (Hard D*** and No Conscience), when it gets like that I just look for stuff to keep me occupied. This is a reason I don't drink very much at all, it brings out the animalistic in me, and that never ends well.

    Wow! very honest of you! :flowerforyou:

    There is a pattern emerging about men and women here :laugh:

    I'm a phenomenal guy sober, drunk, I'm a walking tower of filth. It can be bad. lol So I don't drink as much, I realize that, I'm mature enough to know that. :-D

    I'm also the person who takes care of all my friends, I make sure they don't get hurt, into fights, kicked out... all that jazz. It's because of my history in the military, military school, and various forms of private security. I can't shut my head off. That's never fun.

    As for the beer goggles thing. I am trying to be pickier now as I'm losing weight because I want someone with similar goals and interests in staying or getting into shape, so if I come across a woman who isn't like that at the bar one night after I've been drinking it's not going to turn into a long term thing, so why worry about the underlying person? If you're both consenting adults, are of sound mind enough to understand the proposition and respond to it, why not just go for it and have fun?
  • jenbit
    jenbit Posts: 4,289 Member
    :bigsmile: LOL I don't think that I have this issue drunk..... I'm a sociable drunk but I'm sociable sober. I don't jump into bed because I'm drunk . Alot of girls I know just kinda use this as a cover so they can say the next day OHHH I was so drunk last night I didn't know what I was doing. .Never had that issue I know what I am doing and I usually remeber everything that happens .:bigsmile: And I enjoy every minute of it lol
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Good lord .. get me drunk and look out! lol. I still have standards mind you .. which I think most people do drunk or sober .. but lets just say its ALOT easier to uh .. get me home. lol.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    all us girls are giving away our secrets on this thread lol.
  • usedasbrandnew
    usedasbrandnew Posts: 300 Member
    More secrets...

    I have been drunk and had nothing untoward happen, but I have also been drunk and done things that make me curse loudly. I think for me at least it depends on the emotional state I'm in when I get drunk. If I'm honest with myself I know if I'm lonely/sad/angry even under the surface, if I get tipsy I turn into a flirty little floozy. :) But if I'm generally happy and just trying to have fun, I'm just normal me but tipsy and giggly.

    No joke, had broken up with a guy and was hanging with a former FWB at his house, it was a party. We had all been drinking, they asked if I wanted to play Smash Brothers... I hit myself in the forehead just thinking about this, but I replied with, "Yeah! But not the video game." Well FWB cleared the room. Ugh, drunk me is kind of an idiot sometimes... I don't regret it, been there done that, but still, I wouldn't have acted like that in a room full of people if I hadn't been intoxicated. :blushing:
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    I know there is alot of controversy on this, but do you think that people do what they really want to when they are drunk becuse of no inhibitions, or just do stupid things because all sense is gone?

    Example..........boy who generally goes for "barbie doll" type is drunk........he is very flirty with non barbie doll type when drunk and ends up hooking up with her. So, did he do this because he wanted to, but wouldn't before due to not thinking he should be atracted to this type OR did he do it because he had "beer goggles" and just didn't care?

    What do you think?

    It's both for me too. Sometimes, I will talk to a guy or whatever because I feel more brave. Case in point when I was tipsy last weekend the guy I've been on two dates with that and I were talking and we discussed taking it slow and I agreed. Could never have said that in person.
    Also though, I've done dumb s$%t because of being drunk. One night at the bar a while back, I started dancing with my friend's crush. I honestly meant to do it for a minute and then kind of push him over to her, but of course I was wasted out of my mind and ended up dancing with him until close. I apologized later and she forgave me, but it took a while for us to get back to normal. I would have NEVER done that if I was sober.

    With the thing about a guy liking modely types then not when he's drunk - I think when you're drunk, you feel like you can talk to anybody.
  • xtinalovexo
    xtinalovexo Posts: 1,376 Member
    I have the best worst drunk moments...I say what I mean and usually put my foot in my mouth.