Zombie 5k!

kidkinetik Posts: 5 Member
So I've recently begun the Couch to 5k program. I'm on about week four and a buddy of mine suggested we sign up for the August "Run For Your Lives". I've now got 5 months to whip myself into running condition. Has anyone ever done this run before? It looks intense and I'd hate to be the reason my partner get's devoured!


  • jaxdiablo
    jaxdiablo Posts: 580
    I've never done it, they are doing one similar to that in Jacksonville called Zombie Buffet 5k, so I understand the premise.

    If the slavering masses get close just kick your partner in the knee and/or ankle, c'mon man... it's all for yourself. lol
  • kidkinetik
    kidkinetik Posts: 5 Member
    "How fast do you have to be to outrun a zombie? Faster than the guy next to you." :) And yeah, I've seen that app. Sadly it's not out on Android until May, so says the website.

    It seems that for me to embrace fitness, it just had to come to me on my level. IE, zombies and video games. :)
  • Operation_Me
    Operation_Me Posts: 869 Member
    Never done it before but I want to do the one in Temecula, CA in Oct!
  • TheSpicyMermaid
    TheSpicyMermaid Posts: 279 Member
    Never done it before but I want to do the one in Temecula, CA in Oct!

    Isn't it in San Diego? I'm definitely going to view! :D