
mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
hey guys - nice to meet you all!! :happy:

i have an idea for a challenge lets see what you think. i kinda stole the idea from another challenge thread but i thought it was really good!
any way what if we tried to walk the circumfrence of the world in april?? it is 24,901.55 miles and see if we can burn the same amount of calories as the circumference of the globe?

any feed back welcome from you all!

claire. xxx


  • fatavatar
    Great idea but with just 7 members in the group that's 3557m each! At the risk of being told I'm lacking ambition can I suggest something like Lands End to John O Groats - 874 miles. Even this is 124 miles each for 7 people or just over 4 miles per day!

    Or perhaps post the challenge on one of the main boards?
  • mummy_gerdes
    mummy_gerdes Posts: 336 Member
    perhaps it was ambitious!! lol.
    if we did lands end to john o'groats we could either do it in miles or in calories as miles? xxx