need support

Kind of disappointed...I ate really, really well today...then I was SO hungry after dinner and ate WAY too much ice cream. Trying so hard to lose this weight, but my willpower sucks!


  • CeliaRichardsIowa
    CeliaRichardsIowa Posts: 2 Member
    Evenings are killers for me to. I am trying to have healthy snacks on hand for evenings. But it is so hard!
  • marisarich
    marisarich Posts: 3 Member
    Oh, I've been there. If there's ice cream in the house, I'm going to eat it. ALL of it!
    I allow myself an "indulgence" every night. Usually, it's a bowl of berries (raspberries or blackberries for the fiber) with really yummy full-fat yogurt. I also have about 10 grams of really dark chocolate. It gives me something to look forward to so that that I don't feel deprived.
    If you're still hungry after dinner, you might want to look at your protein and fiber intake.
  • Mommy2Nattie
    Thank you! I like the idea of berries and yogurt. I think I will try that. Luckily my "binge" didn't affect my weigh in negatively this morning!
  • jhm101
    jhm101 Posts: 1
    Stay strong!

    Ice cream is one of my achiles heels also, so I don't even keep it in the house. A really good substitute for me has been frozen blueberries and even a frozen babana on occasion.
  • jenhelle
    jenhelle Posts: 14 Member
    I keep dark chocolate squares in my fridge also. Had bites of my daughters ice cream this weekend. just made sure to watch it rest of the day. Don't get discouraged. EVERYBODY has those days.