Video Game Crushes



  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    YEAH! A sexy paladin tank!
    I totally married him, for reals.
  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    Between, Pit from Kid Icarus...I play him all the time in SSBB. ;D


    Farkas from Skyrim. <33

    lol i married Farkas :D

    Did we all marry Farkas???

    hahah we must have one huge bed to share :laugh: specially with that huge... sword he carries around

    Wait... no, I married Vilkas, he's a little more sharp up top.
    Did anyone else find it annoying that his voice was kind of week whenever he'd say romance lines? Like those about making food or the shop making money?

    hahah I jumped between the 2 brothers and Aela forever before I tied the knot :D he just sounded like a girl when he'd try to be romanticish.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    Another Alastair girl here. First play through I couldn't marry him as en elf so I redid the whole Logaine battle and made Anora queen. It's me or nobody baby!
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Leliana from Dragon Age and Merrill and Isabela from Dragon Age 2. Romanced all three.

    Haven't been struck by anyone in Skyrim, though I married Ysolda.
  • CannibalisticVegetarian
    CannibalisticVegetarian Posts: 1,255 Member
    Ooh I forgot someone. :blushing:

    Edge ..from Rival schools.. And Kyosuke.... but mainly Edge. He just reminds me of that cute idiot

    And perhaps every single guy from Soul Calibur.. err give or take the monstrous ones and the Star Wars special guests.
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    Between, Pit from Kid Icarus...I play him all the time in SSBB. ;D


    Farkas from Skyrim. <33

    lol i married Farkas :D

    Did we all marry Farkas???

    hahah we must have one huge bed to share :laugh: specially with that huge... sword he carries around

    Wait... no, I married Vilkas, he's a little more sharp up top.
    Did anyone else find it annoying that his voice was kind of week whenever he'd say romance lines? Like those about making food or the shop making money?

    Yep, I married Vilkas too! :D
  • bobbybdoe
    bobbybdoe Posts: 472 Member

    Lara Croft from Tomb Raider... No contest.
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member

    Enough said.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    If I had a dollar for every video game character I ever crushed on, I'd be one rich person.
  • poshcouture
    poshcouture Posts: 610
    Jacob and Garrus (don't ask) from ME2, male Shepard from ME3 and from Hadvar from Skyrim.
  • Nerple
    Nerple Posts: 1,291 Member
    The green thing from Bubble Bobble or the princess from the Super Mario series.
  • stratmantl69
    Lara Croft (for obvious reasons)
    Bastilla Shan
    Mira (KOTOR2)
    The Twin Suns (Twi'Lek assassins from KOTOR2)
    Alexstrasza the Life-Binder
    Jaina Proudmoore
    Sylvanas Windrunner (hey, she's pretty smoking for a Banshee Queen)
  • yesiamaduck
    yesiamaduck Posts: 531 Member

    She may have been a blue chicken elf, but she was my blue chicken elf!!!! :'(