
coronalime Posts: 583 Member


  • Hello! I will need some pep talks over the next couple weeks so I'm glad that I finally logged back on...If Im mising someone needs to call me from CM or facebook!

    2 days till my birthday...blah
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,380 Member
    Woohoo hi ladies!
  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    I live in Gastonia, close enough though right???
  • kvroos
    kvroos Posts: 5 Member
    Hello everyone- I am lydiasmom on cm!
  • shabbal
    shabbal Posts: 24 Member
    Hey! I am tete on CM.
  • charlotte3176
    charlotte3176 Posts: 115 Member
    I'm in Gastonia too!!!
  • fitJoce
    fitJoce Posts: 137 Member
    Hey there!! I'm here, now we can get this party started :)
  • alhj
    alhj Posts: 2 Member
    Hello! I'm alhj on CharlotteMommies. Is this group only for CM members? Just wondering....

    I need to get back on the wagon. I'm heading to Charleston with my husband for the next few days, but when we get back I need to get back on track. I was doing really well the first month, and then I slacked off. I haven't gained really, maybe a pound, but I know it's going to start creeping back if I don't do something. So, I'll be back soon!
  • coronalime
    coronalime Posts: 583 Member
    I could care less who joins :) No secret society here!

    LOVE Charleston! Have fun.
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Hi everyone! I am mom_to_2_nc on CM.

    I am really hoping to get myself back to the treadmill at the gym! Been out of sorts for 2 weeks now.... who wants to come with me?

    I go to PF and can take a guest for free.
    You dont have to do the treadmill you can do what you want... i just want the extra push to go
  • k80mac
    k80mac Posts: 63 Member
    katie_f28227 on CM.

    someone please hide the cadbury mini eggs from me.

  • momtojbe
    momtojbe Posts: 2
    Hi everyone! I am ajjp12 on CM.
  • Hi everyone, I'm Kristen (jnkreed18 on CM). I had been doing so well and lost nearly 30 pounds on Weight Watchers. Then I switched from counting points to calories, joined MFP and hit a major plateau so I've kicked up the exercise and hope your encouragement will help get the scale moving again. Anyone else make the transition from Weight Watchers?
  • his_kid1
    his_kid1 Posts: 177 Member
    Hi, I'm His_Kid on CM. I had been doing pretty well on MFP and lost 20 lb since the 1st of the year, and then at the beginning of March I got a horrible flu that then turned into pneumonia. I am JUST starting to recover! That whole time, I have been on huge doses of cortisone (which make you hungry and gain weight even if you don't eat differently, and I totally DID). I had to be basically motionless or I would go into crazy coughing fits that were actually making me pass out from lack of oxygen. Seriously, I was a hair's breadth away from being in the hospital. IAC, I gained SEVEN pounds in the last month.

    Sooo... all that to say I am back now but moving EXTREMELY slowly. I can do very little even household stuff because even though I'm recovered from the coughing, I am flat out exhausted from the most minor activity. CANNOT begin to tell you how frustrating this is, to have moved so far backward. It is what it is though, right? I can only start from where I am, with what I CAN do.
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Hi, I'm His_Kid on CM. I had been doing pretty well on MFP and lost 20 lb since the 1st of the year, and then at the beginning of March I got a horrible flu that then turned into pneumonia. I am JUST starting to recover! That whole time, I have been on huge doses of cortisone (which make you hungry and gain weight even if you don't eat differently, and I totally DID). I had to be basically motionless or I would go into crazy coughing fits that were actually making me pass out from lack of oxygen. Seriously, I was a hair's breadth away from being in the hospital. IAC, I gained SEVEN pounds in the last month.

    Sooo... all that to say I am back now but moving EXTREMELY slowly. I can do very little even household stuff because even though I'm recovered from the coughing, I am flat out exhausted from the most minor activity. CANNOT begin to tell you how frustrating this is, to have moved so far backward. It is what it is though, right? I can only start from where I am, with what I CAN do.

    I hear what your saying, but don't beat yourself up! You didn't fall off the wagon, or give up, your health controlled the weight gain, and now that you're moving around, even slowly, that weight will come off. I'm sorry you were so sick.. glad you're on your way to recovering...
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    Hi everyone, I'm Kristen (jnkreed18 on CM). I had been doing so well and lost nearly 30 pounds on Weight Watchers. Then I switched from counting points to calories, joined MFP and hit a major plateau so I've kicked up the exercise and hope your encouragement will help get the scale moving again. Anyone else make the transition from Weight Watchers?

    I never offically joined WW, but I did it online a few years back, and the points never left me. I started in Jan going straight with Calories and trying to watch my cholestrol (Dr has me on meds for it now!! Grrr) I love counting the calories, and also with knowing the points, it does help you choose some foods, because you can pretty much estimate the calorie impact etc .

    Hope you get over your plateau.
  • Hello, I'm Jaime. My 5 year old told me I had a "belly like Pap" yesterday, so I'm determined to step it up. I'm tired of being fat.
  • final10
    final10 Posts: 69 Member
    Hi I'm Vickie; mylilplayboy on CM. I've been a CM since 2005 before the Great Crash but I hardly ever log in or post anymore; MFP takes my message board time now.
  • ofc129
    ofc129 Posts: 2
    Simmer down, ladies--Wench is here! :-D

    Between health issues and moving to a desk job, I have become a complete slob and it's time for me to get this evil out of my system....so here I am!
  • peacemongernc
    peacemongernc Posts: 253 Member
    Hi I'm Vickie; mylilplayboy on CM. I've been a CM since 2005 before the Great Crash but I hardly ever log in or post anymore; MFP takes my message board time now.

    Me too! I was just trying to remember the last time I logged in at Charlotte Mommies. I was an active member there when Lake Norman Mommies was formed and I was the charter mod of the LNM natural parenting board. I bet it has been at least 5 years since I've been to either site.

    I was just looking at the "groups" to see what they were and found this. My kids are 10, 13, and 16, so I may be too old to fit in, but I thought I'd give it a try. :)
