Eating Healthy on a Budget



  • ktrauzzi
    ktrauzzi Posts: 71 Member

    3 Small Expenses to Cut From Your Budget: New Video

    Today I wanted to share with you 3 small expenses that you can easily cut from your monthly budget to save some serious cash.

    There are some things included in your monthly budget that you have no control over. These are things like your mortgage, heat & hydro, car payment, insurance – you can’t do much about those.

    However, there are some small things that you can cut from your budget that save you quite a bit of money over the long term.

    1. Bank Fees

    You should not be paying bank fees if you don’t have to, and right now, you don’t have to. There are some banks out there that actually offer free chequing and savings accounts for nothing. You pay $0.

    The 2 banks that come to mind right away are PC Financial and ING Direct.

    Switch over from your regular bank and you’re going to save anywhere from $5-$30 a month on monthly bank fees alone.

    2. Convenience Items

    What I mean by convenience items is things like shredded cheese, pre-cut garlic, pre-cut fruit. You will find these in almost any grocery store and they are almost always double what you would pay for the regular item yourself.

    Do a little bit of extra work yourself and cut up your fruit and vegetables, grate your own cheese, cut up your garlic – and you’re going to save yourself good money by avoiding those convenience items at the store.

    By “convenience items”, I also mean frozen meals and (most) frozen meats. You can get these items fresh (or the ingredients fresh), and they are always going to be cheaper. Unless, of course, you can find a great clearance or sale.

    3. Books, Movies, CDs

    These are 3 items that you can find at your local library, and you can get them for free. You don’t need to pay for them.

    All you have to do is go to the library, browse around, find what you want, check out, and bring those items back on time (keep track of these items to avoid late fees).

    If you really don’t have the time to go to the library to browse around, and you already know what you want to read/watch/listen to, go to your library’s website to reserve those items. When they are available, you will be contacted and you can then go and pick them up.

    Those are 3 things that you can easily cut from your budget to save some money every month.

    I encourage you to try cutting at least 1 of them and see if it works for you.

    What small expenses have you cut from your budget?

    ----Provided by Krista