Which Cons are you going to this year?



  • hallo_chief
    hallo_chief Posts: 23 Member
    I've already attended Tekkoshocon 2012 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania back in March - a rare experience for us to travel so far but truly worth it to see Exist Trace lol
    and this weekend I'm attending Ikasucon in Ft Wayne, Indiana (:

    Next year my friends and I hope to go to Ohayocon and give Collosalcon a shot
  • Ellisie
    Ellisie Posts: 6 Member
    I went to Momocon earlier this year, and attended AX for the first time ever too. I'm also going to Anime Weekend Atlanta as usual ^w^
  • @ Improvised
    Espada Grimmjow and Adjuchas Grimmjow from Bleach
    Shizuo from Durarara!!
    Male Blair from the Soul Eater Manga
    Default, Judgement of Corruption, and Classical Katio

    Sorry about the change of face, my computer got into the hands of someone who isn't a friend anymore. They went on a internet profile deleting spree. Managed to get most of them back, but myfitnesspal doesn't let you restore old profiles.

    On a happier note, I'll be easy to find as Shizuo. My roommates and I (Izaya and Kida) are in charge of the all-ages dating game.
  • tlanute
    tlanute Posts: 13
    I went to Acen this year, and sadly it will probably be my only com for the year.
  • Probably just Anime Boston like always. Might get to NY Comicon and Conneticon this year. Otakon probably won't happen for this year but hope to get there in the next couple years.
  • Amazing Arizona Comicon, Phoenix Comicon, and SDCC :)
  • I've been to a lot of cons this year, but mostly to sell for my anime store.

    So far this year... MAGfest, I-con, Setsucon, T-Mode, Otakon..I feel like I am missing one. The next one I am going to is NYCC.
  • Missed PAX ;_;

    But I will most def be going to SakuraCon in Seattle, WA next April 2013 (if the world hasn't ended).

    Kumoricon this month in Portland, OR is a possibility, but work schedules are not particularly forgiving so I may miss it.
  • Improvised
    Improvised Posts: 925 Member
    I was planning on going to Sakura Con, BUUUUT I will be due to delver a baby the week after, so I'll be big as a house and not inclined to travel. :)
  • can't go to any this year but i am definetly going to go to a couple (AX and fanime) next year! :bigsmile:

    What they said!
  • jenlinkitty
    jenlinkitty Posts: 4 Member
    I haven't been able to go anywhere due to working full time and being somewhat poor. LOL

    I go to NASHIcon (Columbia,SC) and ProCon (Charleston,SC) every year, though.

    Last year, 2011, I made it to Roundcon (Columbia,SC), NASHI, ProCon, MomoCon (Atlanta), Animazement (Raleigh), and AWA.

    Unfortunately I won't be going to many anytime soon, I have school loans to pay off, and NASHI tends to be my big out of town con anymore. :D
  • Sutato
    Sutato Posts: 4 Member
    A couple of small con's here in Florida. Chibi Pa and Swamp Con. I might go to CGA.
  • Here in Idaho we have 3 small conventions that I go to. Anime Oasis, TomodachiFest and Fandemonium[more of a all fandom con] I staff Fandemonium which takes a lot of work. ^^ I would love to go to some out of state cons but we'll see.