Hi Ladies!

Hi Everyone, my name is Tara. I'm a 38 year old mother of a beautiful 9 year old...and I just found out I'm pregnant! EEP! I had joined MFP a few years back, and just returned a few weeks ago. I was here because I needed to loose around 10-15 pounds. Now I'm not sure what kind of exercising to do and how many calories I am supposed to eat...I am so out of the loop when it comes to babies!! It's been awhile! I'm not sure if I should even try to loose weight anymore, or just maintain. I am not terribly overweight, I weigh 132 and I'm 5'1". Like I said, I just wanted to loose 10-15 pounds, tone up really.
So I just found this board, I am going to look around a bit.
Nice to meet you all. I look forward to staying in shape with this pregnancy...the last one I gained 65 pounds!! :noway: And i still haven't lost all the weight from it. lol.
I have a history of miscarriage, so I am going to take it easy until I see that heart beat, just walking the dog for now and swimming (I live in FL)
Oh...my due date is 12/9/2012 :happy:


  • tristahenry
    tristahenry Posts: 175
    Hi Tara and congratulations! I can only tell you what I have been doing for myself and so far has been working but I would certainly suggest asking your doctor's opinion regardless of what you do.

    For my first trimester, I set my MFP calories to maintain but didn't worry if I went over. I looked at it more as a way to make sure I'm getting everything me and my baby needs so I track calories, fiber, calcium, iron, and sodium. As far as exercise, since I'm just recovering from a pretty major injury, I am keeping my exercise to moderate yoga, walking, biking and such (I am in theory a runner). I also tend to walk a lot for school, work, etc so I didn't factor any of that into my exercise. My doc said no new exercise regiments (which means no running for me). I'm 5'8", 151 and 15 weeks. I have so far gained 3 pounds and have yet to show. For my second trimester I changed my calories to gain 0.5 pounds per week but am struggling to meet my calorie goal.
  • broox80
    broox80 Posts: 1,195 Member
    I am 10 weeks and have my cals set to 1800. My Dr. said that normally she would suggest 2000-2300, but I am already overweight, so she just said to do 1800-2000. I had gained 4 lbs, but just lost 2. I am not trying to lose while pregnant, but I am really trying to stay active. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!