Scared of the extra skin!



  • healthy4five
    healthy4five Posts: 11 Member
  • ficklesoul
    ficklesoul Posts: 54 Member
    This is so helpful. Thanks! I'm going to try dry brushing and maybe forced myself to drink more water.
  • celinarae94
    celinarae94 Posts: 131
    Everyone talks about dry brushing. I really need to look more into it...
    I've lost about 85 lbs (I started MFP after a majority of my weight loss) and I have wrinkley skin on my tummy and parts of my thighs that I HATE!
  • goldylocs37
    goldylocs37 Posts: 108 Member
    This is an excerpt from a book....Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle by Tom Venuto. He said that in many cases when people have lost a lot of weight and think they've been left with great puddles of excess skin, it's actually still body fat. You may have reached your Goal Weight on the scales but Tom says it's worth looking at your body fat percentage

    "Except in extreme cases, you are very unlikely to see someone with loose skin who has very low body fat. It's quite remarkable how much your skin can tighten up and literally start to "cling" to your abdominal muscles once your body fat goes from "average" to "excellent." Someone with legitimate single digit body fat and loose skin is a rare sight.

    So... the key to getting tighter skin is to lose more body fat, up to the point where your body composition rating is BETTER than average (in the "good" to "great" category, not just "okay"). Only AFTER you reach your long term body fat percentage goal should you give thought to "excess skin removal."

    ... unless you are really, really lean, it's difficult to get a clear picture of what is loose skin, what is just remaining body fat and how much further the skin will tighten up when the rest of the fat is lost."

    In addition.... you can also:

    losing weight slowly
    keeping your skin hydrated
    preserving muscle tone and
    eating nutrient rich foods

    I can also add from personal experience, having lost over 100lbs myself, the scary loose skin tends to go away. There are only a few areas I am still having trouble with; stomach (the biggest), upper arms and inner thighs. So, I am starting to work out to see if it fixes some of the jiggle. :)

    Excellent post LMars13!
  • Rororosie
    Rororosie Posts: 113 Member
    I actualy have one natural bristles brush for dry brushing and other one with both syntetic bristles and like rubber thingiemajings that i use under shower. For soaping and scrubbing. I did forgot about taking mostly cold as heck showers, they do help too for the skin look i think.

    Brushy is my pet name for those accessories. I am somewhat infantille

    Ha! Well it is cute and it will help me remember it! Thanks!
  • Gatus98
    Gatus98 Posts: 93 Member
    Good discussion. My intuition has told me that if I just shed enough body fat, the flabbiness will go with it. I haven't lost 100 pounds or anything, but I do have much more jiggle than I would like, and I can tell that there's still fat there over my newly formed muscles. Shedding fat is one of my top goals right now. Now to figure out how...LOL
  • beckster494
    beckster494 Posts: 4 Member
  • beckster494
    beckster494 Posts: 4 Member

    someone look through my photos and tell me your opinions if it's fat or skin. Inbox me please :'(

    I looked through your photos. I'm not exactly sure what the labeling of the days is showing progress of because usually it is weight loss, but you already look like you have lost a lot of weight at day 30. I would say there is still some fat, but there has definitely been some compromising of your skin quality. I don't know what exactly to suggest, but definitely keep losing. I have looked into MSM products because of their claim to add elasticity to the skin. I might suggest it for you. Congrats with your weight loss. Keep it up.
  • ELEANOR43da
    ELEANOR43da Posts: 166 Member
    I am so glad I am not the only one with this question floating around in my head.. I have only lost 10 pounds in 3 weeks ,but lost before. My stomach already has a lot of this extra fat and my arms sag. I have a problem with a nerve in my face and am unable to do exercises for my what!!
  • aliciamhosein
    Hello everyone!!

    My name is Danielle and I have lost about 80 lbs so far with still 60 lbs left to go and I am terrified of having all the extra skin. I don't have horrible loose skin yet although I have noticed that I have some on my arms, thighs, and my stomach. How do I make sure that it doesn't get any worse?? I work out all the time with Zumba being my favorite exercise to do. Is there something else I can add to prevent it??

    when I lost 60lbs I had extra skin because of how fast I lost the weight/ I also was not working out for the first 40lbs. the best thing you can do is work out. make sure to drink a lot of water and moisturize skin. its easier when your younger because your skin has more elasticity. even though I had extra skin it went away because I started workouts/ moisturized/ drank water. also I was 18 when I lost the weight. are you sure its extra skin???? take your nails pinch your "extra skin" pull outwards with your fingers if you can pull skin up its extra skin, if not it is fat.
  • robinkirk92163
    hello I have lost over 50 pounds and still got 20 more to go but what can I do about all this extra skin I have on my belly its just will it just go away I do walk a lot but its all the skin that's worrying me help
  • nyqueensguy
    nyqueensguy Posts: 100 Member
    Great post. I agree with the view that getting your body fat percentage as low as you can is the key. Truth is those of us who have lost a lot of weight will always have a issue with keeping their skin toned. Getting as lean as possible is step one.
  • KSHorne
    KSHorne Posts: 38 Member
    I'm making a note of all of these recommendations as we speak. I've lost over 130 lbs. and am currently dealing with saggy skin. I've heard that weight training helps and I currently do that; although, maybe not enough times during the week. I just wanted to say thanks for all the suggestions/ideas!
  • monica2410
    monica2410 Posts: 124 Member
    I am scared my flabby thighs will never be taut again:sad:
    There are a lot of good tips here but I have trouble following them diligently. Anyone up for a 'check-in' thread where we can first reveal our excess skin battle plan, then check-in letting each other know how it's going?
  • healthy4five
    healthy4five Posts: 11 Member
  • crazyanny
    crazyanny Posts: 3 Member
    :smile: Well done to everyone who has experienced success via MFP!

    Great to see all the responses here as I am also very concerned about the 'extra' or 'flabby' skin that somes with weight loss! I've lost 36lb with another 56lb to lose. Been eating carefully and exercising by aerobics, swimming and the gym. Whilst at the gym I was told that weight training was necessary as well was drinking lots of water to help flush the skin. So I tend to do 60 min CV then around 20-30 min on weights mainly concentrating on upper arms and inner and outer thighs.

    My question: How does one find out about the percentage of fat in the body? Would appreciate a simple and straightforward answer.
  • traceyjj
    traceyjj Posts: 406 Member
    I've lost quite a lot of weight, and while my stomach area is still very flabby, my arms are getting in good shape now... no extra skin there! I think this is because 1) I have lost my weight painfully slowly and 2) I'm weight lifting. The biggest improvements I've seen in my loose skin is when I started lifting "heavy stuff", my wings are disappearing quite quickly!

    I think I wont have any issues with my arms, probably none with my soon to be ex thunder-thighs... however, I think I'll stilll have some issues on the stomach though, from old pregnancy stretch marks.
    BIGGZ2SMALLZ Posts: 9 Member
    Whats brushy?
    BIGGZ2SMALLZ Posts: 9 Member
    Brushy, lots of excercise, brushy, regular creams , cold water, DRY BRUSHY and drinking lots of water helps.Did i mention brushy-brushy?
    I lost weight too fast at some point, mostly from belly and i srsly cant praise dry brushing with natural brush strongly enough.
    Helps with the epicentres of cellulite that my asscheeks used to be.
    I :heart: brushy.

    Whats Brushy?
  • Silentfool
    Silentfool Posts: 189 Member
    ^the Brushy <3^

    Just google "brush for dry brushing" and trial and error into one you like and want to stick with :3

    this is brushy as i understand.