Hey, this stuff really works!

I'm new to isagenix, although my coach/sister has been trying to get me to try it for over 6 months now. 2 weeks ago I received my first shipment of shakes and accelerator tabs. I've been having the tablets and the shake for breakfast and then using the tools in this program to help me stay under 1500 calories a day.

In 2 weeks I shed 14 pounds and 16.75 inches. Now, that being said, this is a DROP in the bucket to what I need to lose, but what a fabulous start....success is the best motivation!

I hope everyone else here is having similar successes for it will fuel you along in those rough moments....and heaven knows we all get those!!!!


  • TLC, that's just incredible! You know, you can only fill a bucket a drop at a time anyway :D That's a lot of drops though!! I'm at 18 pounds gone, so I'm no longer carrying the equivalent of my medium sized terrier around with me wherever I go!