April 4...

tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
I hope this post finds all of you doing great! My weigh day is tomorrow and I do feel a good loss coming on! I have exercised a lot and am enjoying doing MFP. I am still 100% motivated and truly know I will get this off! I have come WAY too far to quit now. My energy level is so much better, a few of my clothes just aren't worth wearing anymore, and people are beginning to notice the loss. I love waking up each morning and getting my day going with exercise. I hope you are having the same successes! I want all of us to succeed!!! :smile:


  • AZnewme
    AZnewme Posts: 228 Member
    Mine is tomorrow, don't think I am going to do well : (
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    okay, so I lost 0.8 pounds, but I'm still happy! I weighed at school today and in the last 2 weeks, I lost 3 pounds so that does even out to my 1 and 1/2 pound per week. I am really thinking of putting my scale away for a couple of weeks and just trust my eating and exercise. It did me good to see a 3 pound loss at school. I know some people have "cheat days" and tonight is mine. I am eating 2 pieces of pizza and some birthday "dump" cake. However, it still isn't cheating because I exercised hard this morning and I have eaten lighter today so I can "splurge" tonight. I will still be under my calories...Yay!! I am learning this balance between food and learning to eat correctly. I am proud of my accomplishments thus far and proud I am doing it without diet aids, surgery or any of that type of loss. I am learning to control myself and use self-discipline. I do give credit to God for this obedience because I really coudn't do it on my own! :blushing:
  • tknnwatkins
    tknnwatkins Posts: 135 Member
    BTW, my lil froggie on the weight loss ticker is now out of the rain and just under some dark clouds. I see that clear sky and a beautiful rainbow coming!! Everyone stick to it...you are ALL worth it!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • debk3p2
    debk3p2 Posts: 82 Member
    Sounds like you've had a great couple of weeks Tnnkwalkins: This has been my rockiest week so far. Got my exercise in walking like crazy but I was in New York City for 4 days and I really went off the rails diet wise. Weighed myself this morning and I'd gained weight for the first time since joining MFP two and half months ago. Boo!

    Back on the horse today though.

    Congrats! Love your froggie,
