Whats your workout look like?

coronalime Posts: 583 Member
What do you do weekly to stay in shape or keep the pounds off?

Me: run...gearing up to swim and bike for tri season


  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    I am currently training for my first half marathon that is in 2 weeks Eeeekkkkkk! I also do 30DS, Yoga Meltdown and since I'm a full time student and needed a filler class, I take aerobics twice a week :)
  • TammyG39
    TammyG39 Posts: 34
    I am currently training for my first half marathon that is in 2 weeks Eeeekkkkkk! I also do 30DS, Yoga Meltdown and since I'm a full time student and needed a filler class, I take aerobics twice a week :)

    Damn! How did you lose all that weight?

    My workout is the treadmill and the elliptical for now... I would love to get in shape to run, I think its perfect for me, but my Dr won't let me yet, due to my weight
  • CMmrsfloyd
    CMmrsfloyd Posts: 2,383 Member
    Currently I like to do 2 rounds of Ripped in 30 most days (today I did level 3 and level 1). One day earlier this week I actually did 3 levels (4, 3, 2) but that's not the norm at the moment (that takes 90 minutes if I want to do 3 levels so normally I can't make quite that much time LOL). I'm going out of town for Easter this weekend and next week I'm planning to start Chalean Extreme.
  • final10
    final10 Posts: 69 Member
    I've actually been switching up my routine every month. I've been going to the Y and seem to get on a different class schedule every month. This past month I finished the C25K, took me forever, and did 30DS because I read so much about it here.

    I heard someone talking about Ramblin Rose Rock Hill and I'm interesting in signing up. Anyone doing it or interested? My plans or the next couple of months is training for that and working on my belly.
  • Schuyler
    Schuyler Posts: 78 Member
    I'm currently pregnant and we moved just after I found out I was, so my routine went from varied to pretty boring! I do 40-90 minutes of cardio at least 4 days a week. Usually some type of machine, sometimes a DVD. Also try to incorporate some weights 2 days a week. Used to run, kickbox, spin, do tabata. Miss the variety! Looking forward to getting back into some new things after the baby is born and I feel more comfortable hitting up new classes.
  • april1lowe
    april1lowe Posts: 202 Member
    I am currently training for my first half marathon that is in 2 weeks Eeeekkkkkk! I also do 30DS, Yoga Meltdown and since I'm a full time student and needed a filler class, I take aerobics twice a week :)

    Damn! How did you lose all that weight?

    My workout is the treadmill and the elliptical for now... I would love to get in shape to run, I think its perfect for me, but my Dr won't let me yet, due to my weight

    I started last year with MFP then did 30DS with walking. Around Aug I started running. This entire time I did Shred. Just kept repeating with a week off here and there. Kept that up till Jan when I started my aerobics class at school (for a filler class) then I learned the beauty of cross training. Now I alternate 30DS with Yoga Meltdown and run 3-4 times a week.
  • k80mac
    k80mac Posts: 63 Member
    3-4 days of treadmill running (1.5 - 3.5 miles)
    2-3 days (usually overlaps with runs) of strength/conditioning/weights
    1 day of a class, often Strike/Bodycombat

    every now and then I'll do a trail or my run last night was 4 miles. :)