
You would think the only motivation you would need is, not liking how you look or feel, but that hasn't been enough to get me going! I need some added inspiration! Let's help each other get fit, healthy and sexy!


  • lafeye
    lafeye Posts: 12
    I keep reminding myself that "if you don't quit you win!" You can do it. One meal at a time, one day at a time, one decision at a time.
  • fabulouslysweet
    fabulouslysweet Posts: 26 Member
    I like that idea. I have the same belief. I used to set myself up for disaster by planning weeks in advance on to fail in a flaming ball of misery. Now the only way I have found to succeed is to literally take one meal, one day at a time. And before I know it I feel really good at the end of the day cause I can celebrate the little success of having a very good eating day.