Scale Movement - finally

Pandorian Posts: 2,055 Member
So after a long period of the wrong direction with weight, I went from 38 lbs lost to 16 lost, during that time I was eating under my BMR on a regular basis... I decided for March to eat above my BMR and see what that would do for weight loss, and after a brief period of gains the scale is now moving in the right direction. I won't eat under the BMR again but you NEED to be patient when making the switch. I spent 7 months eating below my BMR and it took 5 weeks to start the right direction on the scale happening again. These "I tried for 3 or 4 days and gained so no more extra calories for me..." just didn't give it time... I didn't gain the weight overnight I'm sure not going to lose it overnight. 5 weeks is pretty minimal in the grand scheme and I aim to keep it moving that direction getting back to 38 lbs lost and more.


  • Kamalalue
    Kamalalue Posts: 87 Member
    WAY TO GO!

    Persistence is key, but it is the hardest thing to deal with - when you are not seeing the results that you are working towards.

    Congratulations for sticking to it!
