Can't cope without routine

EllaScarlet Posts: 165 Member
This week I have been staying with people for Easter etc etc. The problem is - as soon as I am away from home and control over my food, I just seem to go mental. I have been stuffing my face beyond belief since Tuesday. And virtually no exercise. Now I feel so so so disgusted with myself, depressed, convinced I will have gained and that I will keep gaining, that I am a failure, that I will never be happy with my weight.

Also - I thought I was doing OK, and was feeling relatively happy with my body. Then I go into that kind of situation and all my old ED paranoias just come flooding back. I feel fat and inadequate in stressful situations. GRRRR I hate this so much.

Then to top it all off I had a huge b/p when I got home. Now my face is swollen and I feel bloated and even more awful.