Quit cold turkey

I quit this past Christmas. I never smoked in the house, never around my kids or with them in the car. I promised myself that I would quit smoking as soon as they were old enough to notice what I was doing...assuming they ever caught me...but at 9 and 11 I couldn't convince myself that they were in the dark any longer! Working on 5 months now, but also struggling with the 15 pounds I packed on afterward. I was never a sweets person or a fast-food kind of person (don't like french fries) until now! So I've had enough, and I started the Atkins diet yesterday. We'll see how it goes.


  • Welcome to the group, we're here to help.

    Losing weight is more about changing your habits than starting someone's diet.

    I started this group because people like us who have kicked the habit HAVE what it takes to lose weight, most of us just don't know it.

    Those of us who quit cold turkey should approach losing weight the same way. STOP making the wrong choices when it comes to food. Use the MFP tracker to track EVERYTHING you put in your body and after a while of seeing what you're putting in your body, you'll start to weed out the foods that are bad for you.

    Good Luck

    ps. Anyone in this group who wants to send me a friends request is welcome to do so. My diary is wide open so anyone can see that I'm committed to healthy! Do I always do the right thing, NO but I'm my biggest critic and am serious about changing my life!

    Come on guys, we did the hard part by quitting smoking, now let's lose some weight! :wink:
  • roginagosnell
    I quit smoking over a week ago, and have already 4 pounds....I was already trying to lose weight this just added to my journey. I am a mother of 2 and really do not want to ever smoke again. I quit last year for 6 months, but one stressful day and one bummed cigarette led me right back to square one. I am determined to increase my activity level and kick this habit and these extra pounds. I have had the fitnesspal app on my phone for a while , but have never posted anything or joined any bloggs.
  • Great job roginagosnell for putting the cigarettes down for the LAST time! Now lets get busy losing those unwanted lbs! MFP is a great tool to help you lose weight. Track EVERYTHING and you will soon learn what not to eat.
  • alli_dalli
    alli_dalli Posts: 22 Member
    I quit smoking 10 months ago and in that time I have put on around 3 stone - over 42 lbs. I am now unable to breathe because even though I've put away my size 14 clothes and am now wearing size 16-18, even they feel too tight. I am miserable! I feel like a huge doughy lump. Joined here today though and have every intention of putting everything right. The urge to go back smoking right now is huge. Watch this space...