Free NIKE classes @ David Barton

In your goodie bag, there is a handout that lists the 3 times a week, Nike gives free college student Training Classes at David Barton Gym on Astor Place

Tuesdays at 5 pm
Wednesdays at 4:30 pm
Thursdays at 3:30 pm

You go to the front desk say you're with NYU and they have you sign up and you're all set. You have to do this each time.

Honestly, it is AMAZING!
The workouts are intense but I've definitely felt myself get stronger over the semester from them so don't give up if you are dying in your first classes. I still die and I've been going since February!

The best part is you earn points for going and get free Nike gear from those points! (different from our points however, this will be a workout of the week later in the competition)

Krysia, Samara, Michele and I (RAs) go on most days! (Collective opinion - Thursdays are the hardest but most motivating workouts!

We will be going today so feel free to meet us there or coordinate with us. My number is 347-424-3143

We'd love to take you for your first time to help you get oriented but also because we will get a free point for each new person we bring :) This will be the same for you if you start to bring your friends. Before your first time, make sure you like their Nike Training Club Page for points and check in each time you go for point. Tell the women at the Nike desk this to make sure you get your points!!/NTCEast

No need to bring sneakers, you get free Nike ones to use for the class, just bring socks!

Either email me back before 4:30 or if you can't before then text me if you'd like to join us today. Always feel free to text/call/email if you need anything

Lauren :)
3N Head GameMaker


  • ne450
    ne450 Posts: 2
    Christina and I are going today. What type of exercise is it?