C25K - anyone done it, or currently doing it?

spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
Last year this time I downloaded a "fake" C25K app on my phone and only make it through week 3 before I let the excuse of heat/humidity (and whatever else I could come up with) halt my steps.

Well, not this time. I actually BOUGHT the REAL C25K app for my phone today! Hey, it's only $1.99 but still - paying money for anything, no matter the amount, is a committment for me!

I'm pretty dang overweight. I'm 5'9" and weigh 248#. I am fairly "active" - as in hiking 2.5miles 2 times a week, walking 2 miles or so 3 other times a week. I've already been doing 5ks, just walking them. This last one, though, my mom and I did - we did some jogging too. I'm pretty pumped, but am so nervous that I might hurt myself. That's a LOT of weight coming down on my joints and feet. Anyone have any input or advice??? Anyone want to do it with me? Week 1 Day 1 starts tomorrow morning.


  • onawho
    onawho Posts: 196 Member
    I downloaded the app to my phone. ......that's a start in the right direction right? :smile:

    get fitted for sneakers ! Dont just buy a pair, get proper ones
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    I'll do it with you.

    I started and was on week 6 2 weeks ago, but I got really sick at the gym. Then the next few days were awful leg cramps. I finally went to the Dr and found I have a potassium deficient. So I was cleared to resume working out yesterday (but I mowed grass for 6 hours so uh was not going to run).

    Whole point is that I am going to be starting over tomorrow, so I'll friend ya :)


    1) Clothing matters. Running in frumpy clothing seemed to make me feel frumpy and lackadaisical about my running. I still run in yoga pants but a more fitted shirt. I'm weird, I love to see the sweat pattern!

    2) Shoes shoes shoes!!! Get a pair of sneakers that fit you. Please don't pick up any pair. Find a running shop (I use Fleet Feet!) and they will find the perfect shoe for you. I only use that shoe for running and my gym workout.

    3) Headphones. If you are going to use them, get ones that are either sweat resistant or that go over your ears. I *hate* mine because they constantly fall out. I just got new ones though and will recommend them later if they work for me!

    4) Slow but steady. Do not worry about how fast you can run, you can redo the program as much as you want to build up speed. Instead focus on endurance.

    5) Fear. When I started I saw that I was going to run 8 min straight. I thought no way in he** was that going to happen. You know what? It did happen, and it wasn't so hard! It will get easier!!

    6) warm up and stretching. VERY important! These are the stretches I do: http://www.coolrunning.com/engine/2/2_1/126.shtml Please do them, it will limit injury and ensure the muscles are ready to work. I didn't do them at first, but I kept hurting. Once I stretched and warmed up, it was so much better!

    7) Have fun!!! If it's not fun, you won't want to continue doing it. I admit I run at the gym, but you know what? I HATE IT!!! I get bored and get sloppy. So this time around I'm going to be running on my hilly dirt road.

    PS As far as overweight, I started C25k at 5'4" and weighed about 225 at beginning of February (I also repeated week 4 due to self doubt). So you can do it!!!
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Razz -

    Thanks so much for all the tips (and friending me)! I have over-the-ear type earbuds for my iPod, so I'm good there. I also already have shoes from a store here called Up and Running - so good there. As for motivation, I take my super-fit goldendoodle pup with me - she's all the inspiration I need to keep going.

    And I'm so there with you - when I first saw week 3 that I would be jogging 3 minutes straight?!? Are you kidding me?!? But, I did it! However, I did NOT do the stretching - I've downloaded those and will do this the right way this time.

    Week 1 Day 1 tomorrow morning at 6:30am. :)
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    Razz -

    Thanks so much for all the tips (and friending me)! I have over-the-ear type earbuds for my iPod, so I'm good there. I also already have shoes from a store here called Up and Running - so good there. As for motivation, I take my super-fit goldendoodle pup with me - she's all the inspiration I need to keep going.

    And I'm so there with you - when I first saw week 3 that I would be jogging 3 minutes straight?!? Are you kidding me?!? But, I did it! However, I did NOT do the stretching - I've downloaded those and will do this the right way this time.

    Week 1 Day 1 tomorrow morning at 6:30am. :)

    I don't think I'd bring the dog, IMO. I started that and let me tell you, it was a disaster! Every other minute we had to pee or sniff. The 2nd week I joined the gym and never took the dogs again. I'll walk them now, but I refuse to run with them. Of course mine are the kind of dogs that go freaking crazy because they are loons. Maybe your dog is more sane than mine (Golden and then the male is some kind of mutt mix from side of road).

    Sounds like you are set to go though! I won't be running that early, but I'll be out there about 8:30! Please post on your run and we can commiserate together ;)
  • cannie55
    cannie55 Posts: 74 Member
    I finished it about a month ago and have done a couple 5k races since then!

    I made it about 3/4 of the way a year or so ago, the first time I did it with my dog. He has some joint problems now and can't go, but as long as your dog is well behaved on the leash you probably won't have a problem if she comes along. I had to be a little firm with my dog at the beginning teaching him that he couldn't stop and sniff everything we passed, but he quickly got used to it and having him to run with really helped my motivation!

    Anyway, it sounds like you already have the most important thing (good shoes!). A couple things that helped me
    - Don't worry about your speed, it's totally okay to run really slow. Once you finish the program and can run for the allotted amount of time, you can go back and start to increase your speed.
    - Schedule in your workouts. It's way to easy for me to let life get in the way, but I made sure to set a date and time and MAKE myself go run. Didn't matter if I wasn't in the mood or whatever, I made myself go. The hardest part is getting out the door!
    - I'm convinced running is at least 50% mental, try to be positive and don't think about how long you have to run for. I found it easiest to break the run into chunks as it got longer.
    - Don't be afraid to repeat certain runs or even entire weeks if you really struggled. But, at the same time, don't be afraid to move forward either, it'll look daunting, but if you've been following the program you can do it!

    Good luck! It's a really great program, I'm so glad I stuck with it
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Week 1, Day 1 - DONE!

    I have to say it would've been very easy to talk myself out of it. Jogging at 6:30am - are you crazy?!? But, I've had enough of the excuses and drug myself out.

    Overall, it went great. I really concentrated on breathing and form, and that helped. I found that just when I would completely catch my breath after jogging, it was time to jog again. I wasn't all that concerned with speed, I think I averaged around 4mph.

    My pup went with me - she's going to be 3 and is a golden/standard poodle cross. She's VERY good on the leash (and off as well) and just went right along with me.
  • cannie55
    cannie55 Posts: 74 Member
    That's awesome! Congrats on getting the first day finished!
  • robynhahn
    I started the C25K app about 1.5 years ago. It went in fits and starts for various reasons, but I did stick with it. You can too. Now I've done two 5K races, and have another in June. I also bought the B210K (bridge to 10K) and finished that last week--I can now run 6-7 miles without stopping (takes about 65-75 min). I would sign up for a 10K race, but the NC heat is coming and I usually have trouble getting my mileage in during the peak hot months.

    I remember CLEARLY when running 5 min straight was hard, 10 min straight, etc. I was stuck on 3 mi/30 min for over 6 months. Now I look forward to it and alternate working on increasing distance and working on increasing speed.

    Keep it up, repeat a week or two when you need it rather than advance, etc. Listen to your body, but not to any excuses in your mind!

    Good luck!
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Well, I had a GREAT start and then our school system was attacked by the "norovirus" - a nasty, nasty intestinal bug. So, my son and I both were down for the count for several days. Hopefully tomorrow will be Week 1 Day 2.
  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I started c25k and finished the second week. Then I re-injured my foot and got sick so I quit. But I am going to try it on my elliptical. It's hard for me to get out of the house to run. (two little ones) but the elliptical is here in my living room. I can barely do it for ten minutes so if you dont hear from me, I am probably passed out on the floor. Lol. My stats are very similar to yours and even when you feel like there is no way you can do it, you can. I was not a runner and my stamina sucks. I wish I would have stayed in the groove and I wish my foot would heal up so I can restart. It is addicting. I made myself go even when I didnt want to, or I was tired and I always felt great about it. Good luck! You can do it.
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Week1, Day2 down.

    Interesting stat differences in just 2 days:
    On Day 1, I went 1.72 miles at 17:23 min/mile
    On Day 2 (today), I went 2.11 miles at 14:14 min/mile

    The only thing I changed was focusing even more on my breathing and form - and in focusing on form I believe I increased my pace a bit. Overall, I feel great so far.

    I just kept picturing myself at the end, actually jogging a 5k - seems to be enough motivation for now. But, I really do need to get some tunes ready - I love music and hopefully I can lose myself in it enough to forget that I'm exercising. lol

    Mindyhenry - your post make me laugh out loud - at the "passed out on your floor" part - not the injury. Thanks so much for the encouragement and good luck to you too! WE CAN DO IT!
  • ymaisred
    ymaisred Posts: 15 Member
    Last year this time I downloaded a "fake" C25K app on my phone...

    Well, not this time. I actually BOUGHT the REAL C25K app for my phone today! Hey, it's only $1.99 but still - paying money for anything, no matter the amount, is a committment for me!

    Ok, here I am for a silly question. I went to the App Store and looked and there is a C25K(TM): Free and C25K(TM) 99 cents They look the same?

    I HATE running, no seriously... living outside of a major city I always say "that I only run when chased with a deadly weapon, thank goodness that I have never been chased". But 5K is only 3 miles... ok... "Only" is a funny way to say it, but I want to be able to go and run the races that my friends are doing...

    I can walk a lot...one day I went down and walked across DC with my friend, literally across... from Rosyln to the Union Station (about 9 miles). This was for no reason, but to do it... but I would never think to run it...

    What caused everyone else to "want" to run?

    Thanks :)
  • justagirl2013
    justagirl2013 Posts: 226 Member
    Last year this time I downloaded a "fake" C25K app on my phone...

    Well, not this time. I actually BOUGHT the REAL C25K app for my phone today! Hey, it's only $1.99 but still - paying money for anything, no matter the amount, is a committment for me!

    Ok, here I am for a silly question. I went to the App Store and looked and there is a C25K(TM): Free and C25K(TM) 99 cents They look the same?

    I HATE running, no seriously... living outside of a major city I always say "that I only run when chased with a deadly weapon, thank goodness that I have never been chased". But 5K is only 3 miles... ok... "Only" is a funny way to say it, but I want to be able to go and run the races that my friends are doing...

    I can walk a lot...one day I went down and walked across DC with my friend, literally across... from Rosyln to the Union Station (about 9 miles). This was for no reason, but to do it... but I would never think to run it...

    What caused everyone else to "want" to run?

    Thanks :)

    The one I have on my iPod is 5k Runner by Heavy Duty Apps. It has the highest ratings/downloads when I downloaded it.

    I want to run because I am going to sign up for this marathon: The Color Run. I have friends who have done and it's a complete blast! I also have always liked the thought of running, and it's a great psychiatrist ;)
  • albhd4
    albhd4 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm currently doing it as well. Last night was W1D1 for me, the thighs are a little sore this morning. I'm really excited to complete this program. Most of my running is done outside on hiking trails so the hills are killer sometimes. It's so exciting that several other (horse) people are starting this the same time as me :)
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member

    As for why I want to be a runner. Hmmm, I don't really know why. lol There's just "something" that pulls me to it.
  • albhd4
    albhd4 Posts: 8 Member
    So I didn't get in any running all weekend (does cleaning house, building a deck and moving more stuff count? LOL), aiming for W1D2 tonight, it's beautiful outside so that is encouraging!

    I never wanted to be a runner until college, living on a farm and working in barns kept me fit and fufilled my "outside" needs. Then moving for school and being cooped up in a duplex with 2 other girls, full course load and work, and no riding, I turned to the tons of local state parks that had hiking trails. Turns out I LOVED running trails, up and down hills, across creeks, through the woods, it is awesome. Now that I'm back home again it's taken me a while to find my "spot" for running again. I think I have found it again now and am really excited to be hitting the trails again :)
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    W2D1 - done.

    I realized this morning that the app I have now, from active.com, is really different than the last one I used to try to do this. The last one was 2 weeks in a row of jog 60 seconds, walk 90 seconds. Today (W2D1) was jog 90seconds, walk 2 minutes. Kind of surprised me, but I got it done.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • albhd4
    albhd4 Posts: 8 Member
    Last night I did W1D2 headed away from my car on the trail and was feeling pretty good and exploring new scenery so I completed most of the round one direction (turned back on run eight). I figured I would just hike it back to the car. I was feeling pretty good and it was BEAUTIFUL weather so I figured, what the heck, and started W2D1 on the way back. I didn’t complete the entire “round” so Wednesday I will start week 2 officially. It’s exciting to feel that my body is already responding to getting back into work :)
  • spotteddrafter
    spotteddrafter Posts: 120 Member
    Way to go!!!!
  • marielouisehilton
    Hello :o)

    I did C25K last autumn when my horse had to have an operation and she was out of action for a few weeks. I wanted to try and get fitter and stronger legs (holding her together can be a challenge).

    Now I have my first 10k next week - running for a charity that is really close to my heart - has been great motivation and benefited my riding as well!

    I think you're really brave for giving it a go. Slow and steady as someone said above is definitely the way to get through it all and remember how far you have come when you have a run which seems harder.

    Good luck!