Just started....and WOW

carlsen1477 Posts: 2 Member
Just started p90x today. I'm 25 married male with 3 kids now and I'm an ex athlete. College bball player. I have gotten out of shape and gained I've 50 lbs since college now weighing in at 280. I want to be back in shap for my kids, my wife, and myself. My goal is to lose 50lbs and get down below 15% body fat by July 10th. I didn't realize how out o shape I was till just tonight. I had to alter all most every work out. Any encouragement for beginners out here that might shed some hope. I feel that I might not he the full Benifit since I can't do the exersices. Will I addapt the work outs?


  • stevenmancini
    I know it is a different workout but i have been doing insanity for 2 weeks now. When I first started i got tired much quicker and my endurance wasn't that great. Now I am doing a little better and little stronger. So I think if you just keep it up and continue to work on proper form doing your exercises I think you may get to a point where you can do it.
  • AKartes11
    AKartes11 Posts: 30
    My husband is an ex pro soccer player and I have never been very athletic but I have been kicking his *kitten* in insanity!! I was doing it a couple weeks before him but now that he does it with me sometimes he is catching up, I think with being an athlete, you know better than most people, what your body can handle, therefore I think your adaptions wil be ok and you will still get the burn you need, and just push yourself a little more each time and you should be fine! Good luck!
  • KimInsanityP
    Yea, you'll get stronger. Your average person starting out with an advanced level program like Insanity and P90X can't get through the entire set of workouts on day one! Modify the exercises for yourself and work your way up. Just give it your all, no matter how your doing it!
  • mmyers1129
    mmyers1129 Posts: 67 Member
    ya you will adapt I did 2 rounds of insanity and u will become stronger and adapt just keep trying to do the move every time u do it