struggling to exercise

t61wathern Posts: 7 Member
Hi ,
Have been doing MFP for 2 and a half weeks and lost 6lbs, but I have a long way to go and because of arthritis and a bad back struggle to exercise- does anyone have any suggestions? I am unable to go to the gym ( for variety of reasons) so need something to do at home? I am thinking of buying the 30DS but have been advised that it might not be good for me to do with my bad back and arthritis.
Any suggestions or help would be appreciated.


  • kskroch
    kskroch Posts: 288 Member
    my 2 cents. the first thing is to just start walking and some basic flexibility and strength exercises - nothing fancy. if you have a PT, they can suggest what's appropriate. just get in the habit of doing it every day. just start moving and as you build up some endurance you can add on.

    I have a long history of back and hip issues from a motorcycle accident. A year ago I was using a cane and could barely walk. 9 months ago I ended up with hip surgery and was on a VLCD to drop my weight. Today I'm walking up to about 4-5 miles and starting to do a small bit of jogging.
  • jerber160
    jerber160 Posts: 2,606 Member
    my 2 cents. the first thing is to just start walking and some basic flexibility and strength exercises - nothing fancy. if you have a PT, they can suggest what's appropriate. just get in the habit of doing it every day. just start moving and as you build up some endurance you can add on.

    I have a long history of back and hip issues from a motorcycle accident. A year ago I was using a cane and could barely walk. 9 months ago I ended up with hip surgery and was on a VLCD to drop my weight. Today I'm walking up to about 4-5 miles and starting to do a small bit of jogging.
    wow kev. great story. and i agree. I have a huge problem making myself exercise and have issues too. knees, hips, sometimes calves, sometimes neck/back... the good thing is I've managed to lose despite that. we're working on it. I sent woodski a workout calendar meant to inspire and finally used it yesterday.. and hopefully tomorrow morning... 20 minutes yesterday but MORE than before..with no guilt.
  • Thesoundofwolf
    Thesoundofwolf Posts: 378 Member
    If your body hurts, try something in the pool! Low impact, and keeps you cool.
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    I highly recommend the pool for exercise. I started out originally around 370, fairly active as I'm a nurse. But man did my knees hurt from the weight and playing sports in high school and college. After about a year of bouncing around watching my weight go down and then up a bit higher each time, I got serious.

    I do alot in the pool. I jog in the pool to fast beat music. Started out walking and picked up the pace. Also do all sorts of exercises in the pool using those foam tubes that kids like to play with, water "weights", resistance bands, etc.

    If you can't do the pool, gentle exercises at home sitting in a chair at first might help, walking, using one of those big support balls. Check with local physical therapy places, rehab places, centers that work with people with back issues. Alot of times they are more than willing to offer some advice or exercises that would benefit. Youtube even has some where you can exercise along with them.

    Good luck!!
  • kerbear48185
    kerbear48185 Posts: 35 Member
    I agree with the previous posters -- it's all about getting started with a little bit at a time. Just start with 5 minutes, build up to 10, 15, etc. Also, break up the exercise througout the day. So if you want to be at 30 min. Do it 10 min at a time throughout the day.

    I have a hard time exercising because at my weight it's really painful and I sometimes get defeated at how little I can do. But I know if I just start somewhere I can build up to do anything I want. I also agree that water aerobics is a GREAT way to exercise for those of us who experience pain when exercising...that and slow walking. We'll get there, one day a time.
  • LMMelch123
    LMMelch123 Posts: 14 Member
    I have been here for over a month and my weight has not budged. I am logging every day, well, most days and according to my calorie intake, I should be loosing something. I am very frustrated, but at the same time, gald to have not gained any weight. I excercise at least 6 days a week, nothing extreme ... walking and elipictal ... and I am forcing myself to do so, especially in the afternoons after work, but I'm doing it. I am encouraged by all your advice and the weight you have lost. I WANT TO BE THAT PERSON! Sorry ... just frustrated, but still hopeful!