Just discovered this group

GrooveVandal Posts: 25 Member
How can i be on this site for a month and not know there were groups on here as well? lol

Anyway, hello....i'm in Essex and could really do with some motivation to shift this lard once and for all. I'm doing alright I guess but getting a bit bored of dieting alone.

Bit of about me history....i was a skinny child and teen, got really fat with my first pregnancy, then got REALLY fat after my first pregnancy and went up to 371lbs. Managed to lose 196lbs, have kind of bobbed up and down between 175lbs and 255lbs ever since. Have recently lost 15lbs in total since starting this new diet but 5lbs since i discovered this site. Really want this to be the last time i have to diet!
I'm struggling to understand what all this BMR, TDEE etc etc stuff is about and if i should be eating above, below, same as my BMR so im letting MFP do the work for me.

Anyone, feel free to add me if you would like encouragement, support or just someone to sound off to.